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Fallout NV mods overload


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Hello community!

1st - sorry for my awfull english, its really not my native language.

2nd - Ill try to be short as possiblle.

I have a strange thing, its really like a mods overload. I got something like a 200+mods for fallout NV. When i turn it all ESP or ESM files on in GEMM menu, when i load a game i got lots of red triangles or just pink squares in HUD or pink textures in game. Sometimes its not, but when i enter in some building, they appears, and i cannot save game, and ESCATE button cant call the game menu. Its can be healled by turning off some part of mods. So now i have different mod activation in GEMM for my different characters. Like have gameplay pack of mods for my male character, and pack of "other" mods for my female character. Sometimes. when i add some 1 esp file to gameplay mod pack (o "other pack"), this bug happens again, sometimes not, for exmpl when i add new outfit. But even when i add couple of esp files that dont call a bug, after of couple of this esp files this bug happens again, or sometimes it just happens in time of game, and i need to reload. Its really looks like overload by esp or esm files, o something like that. I herd some ppl have some thing like that in TESSkyrim, and its have special mods to heal mods overload. Did NV have something like that, or mb some1 of you have any ideas whats wrong? Thank you in advance.

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