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[WIP] Vulgar Language


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not too shure the youngest i ran into was 16

most of the people here is over 18 (and a s#*! of old f*#@ like me)

in gaming there mostly 2 croud: the 16 to 26 and the mid 30 and up

both of them are about the same size but compagny like to go after the kid cause they are future consumer(religion doze the same)

the most growing a women(yea girl play too)

the hole stats came out when they release the last call of duty

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First trial run..... http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=07528227087699482669&t=0752822708769948266911209


Drop into your fallout4/data/sound folder to install.


Replaced most of the raidermale01 military type voice commands (cover me, get down, move forward) with maniacal laughing and cursing. In the process of replacing the sounds of raidermale02, and raiderfemale01. New sounds are somewhat limited as of right now.

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First trial run..... http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=07528227087699482669&t=0752822708769948266911209


Drop into your fallout4/data/sound folder to install.


Replaced most of the raidermale01 military type voice commands (cover me, get down, move forward) with maniacal laughing and cursing. In the process of replacing the sounds of raidermale02, and raiderfemale01. New sounds are somewhat limited as of right now.


I wouldn't use these because they sound weird in tone/pitch and delivery.









Just my thoughts on it~

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