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Hey all! I have been looking everywhere for this particular tweak. It continues to elude me. I am searching for the tweak or mod, not sure what it is, that changes the background color of the inventory menus from the boring parchment color to a dark burgundy red looking color. It also makse some other changes to the menu bar. You can get a visual of what I am talking about if you check out the screenshots for the DARKUI WZ_ INVENTORY mod ---> http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=4970 <---. If anyone could give me a heads up as to the name of what I am looking for or provide me a link I would greatly apperciate it. Thanks in advance! :D





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I think what you're talking about counts as a UI mod. ^^ Moving this to General Mod Talk.


The Mod Detectives thread is a good place to go to if you know a mod exists but don't know where to find it. Maybe try there in future. ;)


EDIT: I also removed your other thread. Please keep it one topic to one subject, otherwise it's spam. Thanks.

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That's DarkUI for wz_inventory. So you want the DarkUI for the normal (or BTmod) inventory. You probably didn't find it with the search (You did use the search, did you?) because the mod's name is actually 'Dark UI', not DarkUI.


Dark UI

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