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Oscuro's mod Help

Dr Bones

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Hi to all, i've installed the oscuro's mod which replace many functions in oblivion, but i've noticed that experience is very very slow to grow and missions are very hard to complete.... is this only a my opinion or is this correct??? thanks
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Yeah, that's pretty much the whole idea of OOO from what I've seen. To make Oblivion harder. Oh er sorry, "more realistic". ;)
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Actually it doesn't make it harder per se. It makes it harder at the beginning. It was designed to eliminate the criticisms that Ob was too easy to do at low levels and you didn't need to level up except to do Daedric quests. (This is a valid comment). It also supposedly deals with the criticism that Ob becomes silly at high levels with every monster a minotaur Lord and every bandit in enchanted glass armour. You need to search for quests you can do at low levels. It is certainly possible. I am currently at level 23 with 79 fame and 17 infamy. Most initial guild quests are okay. More controversial is that everything is also much more expensive. This wouldn't matter if there was a merchant who bought at a higher level but there isn't. Your best bet is to get the Frostcrag Spire add on. If nothing else it gives a merchant who buys at 85% and has 2000 for each transaction.


But admittedly you need to take things more carefully.


There are other levelling mods.


And afaik to keep the flavour of the known and loved (cough) original, the Oblivion Planes have not YET been changed. (I may be wrong there but I believe I read somewhere that it's scheduled for the next update).


Then you can add Shivering Isles and discover with a shock that while level 40 in OOO begins to feel comfortable, in SI it feels like very hard work.


I don't know that I'd want OOO on if I played another game but it certainly changes it interestingly enough for one go.

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