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Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation. 100+ Working Mods with Installation Instructions.


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have another suggestion for you.


Auto Doors

Got sick and tired of my companions randomly opening doors and settlement gates and this mod fits the bill.

Can create keycards which locks doors/gates, door sensors, auto closing the list goes on and on

Looked into this one already as well lol. Although I like the idea, you cannot open or close a door while in the build menu which really annoys me, so I literally do not build doors. I think I always have one entrance to my base lol, and thats the only door. There needs to be a mod where the doors automatically open up when you get within a couple feet, and close when you are out of range. Opening and closing doors will burn me out on the entire building process lol


you can create and attach auto door open/close thingos and attach them to all your doors. Works in build mode (it's what I do)


By auto-door, do you mean like an automatic door or do I have to click it? I want one like when you go to like a Best-Buy or Wal-Mart and the sensor detects you and open without you doing anything.


Exactly like a supermarket door sensor that opens it and then closes it :wink:


I will check it out, I like the idea of that. Like I said, currently I avoid doors all together because I don't like clicking them. But I will definitely look into this, thanks!

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all the best.

btw have you noticed much stuttering with Leveled Spawns installed?

Not that I know of. But my goal today is to completely re-install everything for a fresh playthrough. Add a bunch of mods I missed the past few days. And test everything from scratch with the new patch.

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I Am doing a fresh install of FO$ I plan to follow this to a T I followed the Step with Skyrim and tweaked it a little and well lets just say I am highly satisfied I am currently not satisfied with my FO4 setup as i normally just look click download sort and play ... I want t to get a proper playthrough so HERE I GO

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I Am doing a fresh install of FO$ I plan to follow this to a T I followed the Step with Skyrim and tweaked it a little and well lets just say I am highly satisfied I am currently not satisfied with my FO4 setup as i normally just look click download sort and play ... I want t to get a proper playthrough so HERE I GO


Well I would suggest waiting a couple days until I finish this major update, this new patch has my list a little wonky at the moment.

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I am just wondering and I may have missed it but do you have any of the cover mods on here I saw fo4 hotkey what about bullet time and the auto cover one by him. I may tweak and try a play through with those when your done your next revamp



I also would like to know because im running my download to begin the fresh install now is it safe to at least run with your texture mods for now?

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I am just wondering and I may have missed it but do you have any of the cover mods on here I saw fo4 hotkey what about bullet time and the auto cover one by him. I may tweak and try a play through with those when your done your next revamp



I also would like to know because im running my download to begin the fresh install now is it safe to at least run with your texture mods for now?


I do not, last time I seen that mod you were only able to use one side as cover and the other side didn't work. I believe you could peek right but not left. I try not to use incomplete mods. (No offense to the author). But feel free to install everything. I would suggest the Shader first like it says. Then test to see if the options work. That is currently working for me without issues at the moment. Then install each section and start your game after each. That way if there are issues you will know at least the section the issues are in.

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