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Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation. 100+ Working Mods with Installation Instructions.


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Although I do like those files much better. The reason I chose not to use them is because the authors used "requirement files" on them instead of just doing the smart thing and including it all as is, in one file. I don't do requirement files unless absolutely needed and that is the easiest way for an author to NOT make this list. If I ever have to change mods out that have requirement files it ends up being 10X the work. I also don't do mods that think its a bright idea to use a grenade or holotape to change settings in game or add items to the workshop. I don't like extra items for any reason, it messes with my OCD. So I just ignore those mods until they come up with a much better way of doing things like Skyrim did with SKSE.


Hancock requires special eyes.

Piper requires like 2 or 3 files.

And road leathers looks to be all female? I NEVER play as a female, I am totally against any male ever playing a female character in any game. I also refuse to play any game that doesn't have an optional male character. I don't understand the psyche behind men playing women characters, to me it's REALLY weird.


There are these all-text games I used to play growing up called MUD's. (Multi-User-Dungeons) They were the very first MMO's and nobody in this generation will probably ever see one in their lifetime unless someone else convinces them to go play them. They are amazing games usually, but much more complicated because you have to remember a bazillion keywords to make it all work for you. When I used to play those games I would make friends with people and you roleplay like crazy in those games. One time I married this chick and spent like a year roleplaying a husband in one of those games (I was like 14 years old), just to find out the chick was a dude in real life. Thankfully you can't really do anything sexual in those games but it still scarred me for life, and I will NEVER have that done to me again, nor would I ever do that to someone else. So thats why I am totally against men roleplaying women in games, I hate it. Pisses me off everytime I see it going on.


Thanks for the suggestions though, if the authors ever take it upon themselves to make their mods NOT require other peoples files, I will gladly add them to the list. Especially that piper mod, it looks great!

Edited by Haoswidasee
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There are these all-text games I used to play growing up called MUD's. (Multi-User-Dungeons) They were the very first MMO's and nobody in this generation will probably ever see one in their lifetime unless someone else convinces them to to play them. They are amazing games usually, but much more complicated because you have to remember a bazillion keywords to make it all work for you. When I used to play those games I would make friends with people and you roleplay like crazy in those games. One time I married this chick and spent like a year roleplaying a husband in one of those games (I was like 14 years old), just to find out the chick was a dude in real life. Thankfully you can't really do anything sexual in those games but it still scarred me for life, and I will NEVER have that done to me again, nor would I ever do that to someone else. So that's why I am totally against men roleplaying women in games, I hate it. Pisses me off everytime I see it going on.



I totally agree with what you said there. I was sucked into the world of Second Life for over 3 years. Thankfully, I never suck in any real life money into that world, because I would be up to my neck in debt. And they had a ton of men playing as women. I hate that s*** as well. I like the guy on YouTube, MXR, Love his weekly FO4 Mods podcast, but he plays as a female in his game. I am so glad the FO isn't a MMO. I would say more on it, but I'm sure I would piss some people off and then get banned or get an infraction(I got an infraction on the Witcher forum because I didn't agree with what Moderator, and then she sicked the top Moderator on me to give me a 6 month infraction). But I digress. I understand about what you said about those mods I mentioned. I didn't choose the extras for any of those, nor did I go by what they said on grabbing the files from other modders. I only mentioned them because they looked good to me, and I was just looking for your thoughts. But I will keep what you said in mind if I stumble onto something else.

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There are these all-text games I used to play growing up called MUD's. (Multi-User-Dungeons) They were the very first MMO's and nobody in this generation will probably ever see one in their lifetime unless someone else convinces them to to play them. They are amazing games usually, but much more complicated because you have to remember a bazillion keywords to make it all work for you. When I used to play those games I would make friends with people and you roleplay like crazy in those games. One time I married this chick and spent like a year roleplaying a husband in one of those games (I was like 14 years old), just to find out the chick was a dude in real life. Thankfully you can't really do anything sexual in those games but it still scarred me for life, and I will NEVER have that done to me again, nor would I ever do that to someone else. So that's why I am totally against men roleplaying women in games, I hate it. Pisses me off everytime I see it going on.



I totally agree with what you said there. I was sucked into the world of Second Life for over 3 years. Thankfully, I never suck in any real life money into that world, because I would be up to my neck in debt. And they had a ton of men playing as women. I hate that s*** as well. I like the guy on YouTube, MXR, Love his weekly FO4 Mods podcast, but he plays as a female in his game. I am so glad the FO isn't a MMO. I would say more on it, but I'm sure I would piss some people off and then get banned or get an infraction(I got an infraction on the Witcher forum because I didn't agree with what Moderator, and then she sicked the top Moderator on me to give me a 6 month infraction). But I digress. I understand about what you said about those mods I mentioned. I didn't choose the extras for any of those, nor did I go by what they said on grabbing the files from other modders. I only mentioned them because they looked good to me, and I was just looking for your thoughts. But I will keep what you said in mind if I stumble onto something else.


Lol I almost feel like getting banned would be a blessing at this point. This list started out as a hobby and ended up eating my soul. It's really hard to add mods now that the toolkit is out because there is no way of telling which mods are just going to mess up my list. AND thanks to Bethesda's new system, (which I have only experienced for ONE day because it's so absolutely annoying), I don't even enjoy adding mods and starting my game up anymore. They should have left it like Skyrim so we could do as we please without wasting 10 minutes every time I start my game up or having to change settings on some file anytime I want my mods to work. I haven't played Fallout 4 since the 28th when I fixed my list. I have absolutely no desire to deal with all the crap that comes with it now. I do get on and look at all fresh files first thing after I wake up, every morning. There seems to be a lot of cool stuff coming out but the more I add the worse the load times will get. Hopefully whenever the next update comes out Bethesda will get their heads out of their asses and fix some stuff. I guarantee their fan base is getting smaller every day due to how mods currently work.

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The new way is a PITA. You make 1 change and CTD. I have been working on removing everything and reloading them one at a time. The only reason I made a change is because I added a power armor animation. The one that makes it look like you are jumping into the armor. It's a lot quicker. But if you add the option of auto load the FC, it messes up the armor and you can't exit it. No HUD and just the clicking sound when you push the button to exit the power armor. And I knew by adding it would cause it. It did it to me before, but I just plain forgot. I'm also loading them one at a time because I was adding waaaaaaaayyy too much, I had, I think, 238 mods w/191 plugins. I made that one animation change and it CTD right at the "Push Any Button To Start" screen.


I hate what Bethesda did. I got this for the PC because I realized that "Open World" games should be played on a higher end PC, I already have FO4 & TW3 on my XBox One. And I went ahead and bought the 2 DLCs for this game on the PC. Damnit, they screwed it up. I'm thinking they did this more for the console users. This has to be something that both Microsoft & Sony wanted so that way it wouldn't blow up their systems.

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The new way is a PITA. You make 1 change and CTD. I have been working on removing everything and reloading them one at a time. The only reason I made a change is because I added a power armor animation. The one that makes it look like you are jumping into the armor. It's a lot quicker. But if you add the option of auto load the FC, it messes up the armor and you can't exit it. No HUD and just the clicking sound when you push the button to exit the power armor. And I knew by adding it would cause it. It did it to me before, but I just plain forgot. I'm also loading them one at a time because I was adding waaaaaaaayyy too much, I had, I think, 238 mods w/191 plugins. I made that one animation change and it CTD right at the "Push Any Button To Start" screen.


I hate what Bethesda did. I got this for the PC because I realized that "Open World" games should be played on a higher end PC, I already have FO4 & TW3 on my XBox One. And I went ahead and bought the 2 DLCs for this game on the PC. Damnit, they screwed it up. I'm thinking they did this more for the console users. This has to be something that both Microsoft & Sony wanted so that way it wouldn't blow up their systems.

They do everything for the console users. They base their limits on consoles, and the PC gamers suffer for it. If they built their games entirely for PC they would be 100X the quality and your processing limits would basically not exist as long as your PC was decent. Gaming is going in a really bad direction right now because of consoles. In my opinion they should stop making consoles. I don't care how poor people are, REAL gamers deserve better.

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They do everything for the console users. They base their limits on consoles, and the PC gamers suffer for it. If they built their games entirely for PC they would be 100X the quality and your processing limits would basically not exist as long as your PC was decent. Gaming is going in a really bad direction right now because of consoles. In my opinion they should stop making consoles. I don't care how poor people are, REAL gamers deserve better.



IMO, the only reason that consoles are still viable today is for "Portability". It's easier to unhook your console and take it to where you want to go. Can't do that with a desktop. You have more things to transport. But with GPUs having HDMI, it's getting a little easier, just plug it into a TV & now you got a bigger screen. That is if your GPU can handle the TV, if I am thinking correctly. I only have my XB1 because of the non open world games.


And if what CEO of Microsoft said is true, Console or the Windows based PC is going to go away. His plan is to make PC games work on the XB1 and/or XB1 games work on the PC, since they are both Windows 10 based systems now. Look for a new XB console to come out in about 2 years. I have a feeling he will try and bury Sony & Nintendo with this. Hell, he even said that he wants cross platform online gaming. PC,XB & PS all playing against each other at the same time. No more walls between the 3. I noticed in the Game Informer article that he didn't mention Nintendo in that group.


I also have to add that the Console gamers get screwed as well. Let me give you an example. PC users of The Witcher 3 get "Hot Fixes" almost instantly, those of us on XB1 & PS4 have to wait forever to get an update. It took CD Projekt Red 4 months to finally give us an update that still didn't fix everything. Still a crap ton of bugs & glitches left. The last time there was an update for the console, if I remember correctly, was back in January. I don't think they will patch the console until the next DLC comes out which is "Supposed" to be June. So 6 months of waiting. While PC has had numerous Hot Fixes since then. I had heard that it costs a gaming company $10k per update just for Microsoft alone. Don't know if it's true or not, but it would make sense with the long wait that console users go through.


But I can't give an unbiased opinion because I am both a PC gamer and an XB1 gamer.


P.S. I also forgot to mention, you might want to combine TakaruMinari's Better Armor & Weapon Mod Description. He combined them both and it is now called "Better Mod Descriptions - All In One" with a message to one's that use this to be aware of what they have and don't have, because it may/will cause a CTD if they check an option and they don't have it.

Edited by DontBlnkBadWolf
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They do everything for the console users. They base their limits on consoles, and the PC gamers suffer for it. If they built their games entirely for PC they would be 100X the quality and your processing limits would basically not exist as long as your PC was decent. Gaming is going in a really bad direction right now because of consoles. In my opinion they should stop making consoles. I don't care how poor people are, REAL gamers deserve better.



IMO, the only reason that consoles are still viable today is for "Portability". It's easier to unhook your console and take it to where you want to go. Can't do that with a desktop. You have more things to transport. But with GPUs having HDMI, it's getting a little easier, just plug it into a TV & now you got a bigger screen. That is if your GPU can handle the TV, if I am thinking correctly. I only have my XB1 because of the non open world games.


And if what CEO of Microsoft said is true, Console or the Windows based PC is going to go away. His plan is to make PC games work on the XB1 and/or XB1 games work on the PC, since they are both Windows 10 based systems now. Look for a new XB console to come out in about 2 years. I have a feeling he will try and bury Sony & Nintendo with this. Hell, he even said that he wants cross platform online gaming. PC,XB & PS all playing against each other at the same time. No more walls between the 3. I noticed in the Game Informer article that he didn't mention Nintendo in that group.


I also have to add that the Console gamers get screwed as well. Let me give you an example. PC users of The Witcher 3 get "Hot Fixes" almost instantly, those of us on XB1 & PS4 have to wait forever to get an update. It took CD Projekt Red 4 months to finally give us an update that still didn't fix everything. Still a crap ton of bugs & glitches left. The last time there was an update for the console, if I remember correctly, was back in January. I don't think they will patch the console until the next DLC comes out which is "Supposed" to be June. So 6 months of waiting. While PC has had numerous Hot Fixes since then. I had heard that it costs a gaming company $10k per update just for Microsoft alone. Don't know if it's true or not, but it would make sense with the long wait that console users go through.


But I can't give an unbiased opinion because I am both a PC gamer and an XB1 gamer.


P.S. I also forgot to mention, you might want to combine TakaruMinari's Better Armor & Weapon Mod Description. He combined them both and it is now called "Better Mod Descriptions - All In One" with a message to one's that use this to be aware of what they have and don't have, because it may/will cause a CTD if they check an option and they don't have it.


If consoles didn't exist we would be 10 years further ahead in gaming right now. I have 4 Xbox-Ones in my house. Both my roommates have 1, my wife and I both have 1. Playstation should not exist at all, they are utter garbage. Same with Nintendo, they fell behind a long time ago. CPU gaming will NEVER go away, its always going to be more powerful so the smartest gamers will always be on the PC. The consoles are weak, crappy systems. I will NEVER purchase another console, I bought Xbox One specifically to play Destiny and I got my 2500+ hours out of that game. They should have just launched that game for PC but the creators have little to no intelligence apparently. All in all Consoles are for poor people. I have no desire to take my gaming anywhere else other than my home and honestly if you buy a carrying case specifically for a desktop PC, transporting it isn't very hard. You may not be able to take your giant screen with you but you can't take it with you with a console either way. The controllers are TERRIBLE for your hands. The plastic grips on the sticks suck the moisture out of your fingers and it has been proven that if you play to much you can cause permanent damage to your skin and hands. My thumb is absolutely destroyed from the Xbox One controller. No matter what I do I can't get the skin to stop cracking. (2500 hours of Destiny in the first year will do that to you lol).

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