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2 mod requests. Please make!


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I don't have SI or KoTN or any of the other official add ons but I do have OBSE so, please keep that in mind. so hear they are:


1. the Doctor Who quest mod (Overlord) for Eolhin's tardis but no SI requirement please!


2. I far as I could tell none of the people here requested this: Warehouse 13 mod!!! I am very annoyed that for some reason nobody requested this!


Please make these 2 mods. (although technically my 1st request is more of a mod modification request.)

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Please keep this in mind: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2636049-why-is-no-one-making-my-mod-request-the-reality/


The chances for any authors on here to just jump into your topic and say "yeah, good idea! I'll definitely do it!" are exponentially slim.

The Oblivion modding section not being as much frequented anymore as it was some years ago now is only adding to it. How many regulars do you find regularly posting in here currently anyways?


And then the most obvious hindrance for anyone to even consider doing your requests, you didn't give "any" concrete information about anything for anybody to go by.

Not everybody knows what "Warehouse 13" even is, and you're not telling what of the TV series it is you're interested in either. Is it just the Warehouse itself? Is it the agents team? Is it some of the rather adventurous "fetch item" quests they usually fulfill? Or is it even some of the artifacts you'll find inside the Warehouse rather?


And what about this "Doctor Who quest mod (Overlord)"? I know the series, but the name doesn't ring an immediate bell. Some further information might be in order here.

And if it is a request to change an existing mod, this will not only require some author to do it but also permission from Eolhin to do so first of all. And removing an SI requirement isn't necessarily an easy thing. Maybe there were assets used which aren't available in Vanilla Oblivion, or it relies on some functionality even which was only introduced by the SI expansion as well. Requirements usually aren't required for no reason, or they definitely won't be called that.


So, in general, you need to go way, way much more into detail here and think out or plan out the mods and/or features you request yourself some more first, before you can expect anybody to make something for you without you even telling at all "what it is" you want them to do for you.


Keep in mind you need to raise their awareness and arouse their interest. They need to be made "wanting" to do what you request. It isn't like there's an incredibly huge group of un-employed mod authors just idling around here and waiting for any random request to pop up and jump at it immediately. Not saying there aren't any, but the few there are will take time to even notice your requests, and then they also need to be interested in doing it. So further outlining what it is they should do is the least you could do to make them so.


Also, topics to stay without reply for several days is only natural. First there's not that many people left regularly reading in here, and then only those really interested in the topic, and able to do it, will also reply. It will take time for someone both, interested and able, to come in here and read and post, and not just a little. You repeatedly posting in your own topic without it being a response or added information, only to bring it back to top again, is usually called "bumping", which is frowned upon on here and when done excessively will only get the topic locked. You can "edit" your posts as well at any time, if it's just about adding more information, which will not make the topic bump.


The people interested in doing requests usually won't restrict themselves to only the first few pages, but will go down until the last topic that's marked as read. So bumping doesn't even serve a purpose, for it definitely won't make people respond any sooner at all, and those possibly going to post won't miss your topic either way anyways. But most important of all still you need to arouse their interest first, so advertise your ideas with as much information as possible to do the trick and sell it to them in the end, sugar-coated and with a cherry on top (if you know what I mean).

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Ok! Thanks for the info for what I did wrong. Also here are links to the Warehouse 13 Wiki for anyone who wants to make the mod but needs info about the show, plus my own funny comments


List of the warehouses(1-14): http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Warehouse#Warehouse_13 please keep in mind that Warehouse 14 is a technicality.

Info about Artifacts: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Artifacts What is an artifact you ask? Here is the info about how artifacts work for you.

List of artifacts and gadgets: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Artifacts_and_Gadgets Long list so here are links to the 2 main gadgets they use for you.

The Tesla: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Tesla Like a taser, but better.

The Farnsworth: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Farnsworth Great communication device. it's kinda like a mix between a Black and white TV and a Cell Phone.

Info for Dark Vault: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Vault Possibly the most dangerous part of the Warehouse. Personally I think they couldn't have given it a more ominous name.

info for Bronze Victims: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Bronze_Victims Trust me, you don't want to feel sorry for these people, they deserved it. After all if they didn't they wouldn't have been bronzed.


Hear are links for info of the main characters of Warehouse 13 and the Regents for any potential NPCs.

Arthur Nielsen: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Arthur_Nielsen Everyone calls him Artie and he tends to be grumpy.

Claudia Donovan: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Claudia_Donovan Claudia is a fun person. She is a computer genius who joined the Warehouse after she hacked into the mainframe and broke into the Warehouse

Peter Lattimer: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Peter_Lattimer Pete tends to be very silly plus he gets "vibes" that people should listen to.

Myka Bering: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Myka_Bering Mika likes to plan things ahead plus she is smart.

Steve Jinks: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_Jinks Steve is basically the human lie detector.

Helena G. Wells: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Helena_G._Wells Honestly I'm not sure how to explain Helena so just read the thing about her.

Irene Frederic: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Irene_Frederic Mrs Frederic is a woman who scares just about everyone. Plus she has a very annoying vanishing trick.

Also last but not least, the Regents: http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/The_Regents These guys are in charge of the Warehouse.


I hope this is enough for the info about the show and I would be very happy for someone to make a mod out of this.

Edited by Spasticon1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello? anyone? I was thinking that the location of Warehouse 13 could be in the Jerall Mountains somewhere

Hello, sir, I'd hate to be the one to break it to you, but here are a few unsettling realities:

1. Oblivion is 10 (ten) years old - there are almost no more modders save for what trickles in. People have moved to FO4 or are still working on Skyrim.

2. Your requests, in my eyes, are outlandish and a waste of time. If you do a general search of the Oblivion side of the nexus, about 0.3 (a third of one percent) of all mod topics are related to Dr. Who, meaning the demand would be so small that the effort for the quest is not worth the result. I mean no offense.

3. You are being incredibly impatient. If nobody hints that they are going to make your mod, 99.9999999999% chances are that it will never happen. If you're still not satisfied with "No" as an answer, make the mod yourself.

4. Lastly, the Oblivion Nexus is about as desolate as Mehrunes Dagon's plane itself - meaning that the only inhabitants are Kvatch guards (moderators), a few adventurers (standard users like myself) and hostile dremora (trolls, pirates, and other nasty users). Replies usually take up to a month here. Please, for the sake of all of our sanity, be patient.

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Sorry, I'll be more patient. It's just that I suck at making mods. I have to bring mods home via flash drive then install them with 7zip,(it works well). I just wish that someone could come back and please make it and that it's a great mod that is well done, and worked hard on. I have hope.

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Sorry, I'll be more patient. It's just that I suck at making mods. I have to bring mods home via flash drive then install them with 7zip,(it works well). I just wish that someone could come back and please make it and that it's a great mod that is well done, and worked hard on. I have hope.

You do realise that even one set of armor can take hundreds of hours? I used to suck at modding, too. Practice=perfect (or Westerners would have you believe). My Lapis Lazuli armor took many hours on the textures alone. I'm afraid your hope may be in vain. If your computer can run Oblivion on modest settings, perhaps you could purchase Skyrim from Steam. Skyrim actually has less issues with performance than Oblivion did. I get a worse framerate in Skyrim than Oblivion, probably due to Oblivion's lack of multithreading support. Regardless, I am 99% sure your mod request will never be made. I could be wrong, but again, it's incredibly unlikely. I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm just trying to save you massive heaps of disappointment in the future.

And it could be just me, but

"Can someone please make a Warehouse 13 mod? I want the Warehouse!!!!"

sounds a lot like a child begging for candy. The thing is to not expect things and to be happy when they happen.

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I've been thinking on that, and here's the thing, in Warehouse 13 artifacts are "born" after some sort of great event. Mutable artifacts can be made by one person/people, and they can behave In all sorts of ways plus many fairy tales and whatnot are based off artifacty events.(For example Cinderella had a knife that if it was in you to long you turn completely into glass, and Alice was actually insane and somehow ended up in a mirror.) The Elder Scrolls world would work well with the Warehouse, I mean how many artifacts from the aedra, daedra, and whatnot does Nirn have anyway?

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