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EXCESSIVELY Difficulty mods - which ones to try?


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I am level 44 and the game is waaay to easy for me right now and has been since I reached level 20. Right now I play on Survival and use the following difficulty/balance-adjusting mods to make the game harder for me:

- Arbitration (increases sneak-detection distance & searching times, makes enemies more aggressive, makes explosions more powerful, increases enemy-to-me damage by 600% and increases me-to-enemy damage by 200% or 250%)

- Anti-Rubberband (prevents the game from keeping whichever zone enemies from leveling up to my level and above after I enter whichever zone, exit it, and then re-enter it later)

- High Level Scales (makes enemies at least 10-50 levels above my level)

- MyHUD (prevents/disabled Enemy Health Bars, reticle change upon successfully hitting an enemy, and several other hand-holding HUD features)


I can take down enemies 50 levels above me in just a few attempts. I guess I selected all the right Perks for my build. I have:

- Very High Perception, Very High Agility, High / Moderate Intelligence

- Low / Very Low - Strength, Charisma, Luck

- Maxed-Out Perks: Sneaking, Ninja, Lock-picking, Hacking, Non-Automatic Rifles, Sniper, GunNut, Armorer, Science and maybe a few others

- Maxed-Out / Fully Modded Weapons: all weapon types, most of which are also Legendary

- Maxed Out / Fully Modded Armors: Combat Armor, some of which uses Legendary Pieces, X-01 Power Armor (never been used because it would make the game easier than it already is)


What are some other mods I can try to further make the game harder for me? I would of course want much more intelligent AI, but if I can't have that then I need to be able to take less damage and cause less damage...At first, enemies could kill me with 1-2 shots, but once I leveled up past 40 and fully modded my Heavy Combat Armor, enemies now have to hit me 6-9 times to kill me, which is impossible because of my fully maxed out Sneak-Ninja-Sniper-Rifle build. I take enemies down from far away when outside and if possible, then sometimes inside, but mostly I use my fully modded Combat Shotgun (Legendary).


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I had the same problem so i created an own mod with lots of changes.

But for more fun i created a new game with it.

If you dont want to create a new game here are some mods i recomend:


-5x more player dmg multiplier for survival. (the dmg you will get)

-2x more enemy dmg multiplier (the dmg you will deal, it is just more fun)


-Some mod which weakens the power armor. I created my own mod with 60-75% lesser armor and 50% lesser power armor health.


-more limb dmg


-only stimpaks heal wounded limbs


-lesser food health restoration


-there is a mod which changes the AI of the enemys to attack you more strict


-more noticeable hit effect by redmorehardcore. Very great, a must have


-more spawns. Also very awesome


-Dirty Drugs - doesnt change a lot but survival feeling is a little bit better


I also changed my guns in a gameplay way. I decided more little magazines would make you reload more of which is also some kind of higher difficulty.

Also i changed the weapon ammo for some weapons like gatling laser. That this gun uses powercells is redicolous. Makes the game insanely easy.

I havent published my overall mod yet because it is not completely finished yet. But if you intend in creating a new game with a more intense gameplay, i will publish my mod maybe this weekend. Depends if i get all detail done.


Also attack speed of some weapons makes the game more realistic + more difficult in some situations.

F.e. If your gun shoots twice as fast, you may do twice dmg to a single enemy, but if the recoil is high you probably are not able to hit all of it. Also your Clip runs out very fast and you need to reload more often. Some weapons also need higher reloading animations like the minigin. This allows enemys to come close and charge you in melee. Combined with more spawnes mod some groups of enemies will become very deadly this way.

But not realy in a unrealistic or unfair way. You still can oneshot some dogs with your .44 revolver, but you cannot oneshot 20 of them.

You may be able to shoot half of them very well with your minigin but with a fire frequenze of 900 your bullets vanish in notime, your barrels overheat fast and with a good mod reloading a minigin realy takes time. So you might wanna change a gun instead of reloading it. This results in a more dense gameplay. Also you will spend more ammo = have to buy more = less money = not always the perfect solution for every situation.


Most important is nerfing the powerarmor and gatling laser,... they are made for kids.

Edited by yerude
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you could try ReBallistic.

It does increase the Damage of Weapons, so combined with Arbitration Multipliers, its quite a good amount of damage.

What i did:

Arbitration - 6x Damage on me / 0.5x Damage i do

ReBallistic - Modded the Damage of Guns to be even higher, also added massive amount of Damage for Mines, Missiles and such. Basically, you get hit by a Missile, you are dead. You didnt spot that Mine? You are dead. I think the "Standard" Damage of a Pipe Pistol is 13? in the game files, i changed that to 36 and other Weapons accordingly to what i think would be a quite realistic Numbers. Buffed Miniguns and Gatling Lasers to high amounts, so if you see a Mutant with a Minigun firing at you, you are already dead.

So if you combine 6x Damage and 3x increased Weapon Damage, you really have to watch out.

Still, there are Areas where its just too easy, but thats because of the way the Enemies do not level above a certain threshold.

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I do not recomend Legendary Apocalypse.

First the dmg mutliplier of legendarys is only 2. So they "only" deal double dmg. Also they will give you more xp. Additional you will always get legendary items. Some of the legendary items are very powerful, maybe too powerful.

So instead of making the game more difficult, it will become more easy instead and it doesnt change the annoying problem, that enemys have to much health.

Also this way you wont encounter any special enemys anymore because special enemys is regular. If you increase overall difficulty instead, you still can encounter legendary enemys which will become even more diffcult.

This is the thrill of legendarys, some rare but realy diffcult enemys. Legendary apocalypse just completely deletes this variation.


5times more dmg on me seems to be quite a good value.

It could also be 6 times but because i changed the AI to be more offensive it sometimes is realy hard. So some encounters are still "good" some are "okayish" and most are very challenging. Just a few are realy realy diffcult. I think it is quite a good balance. But if you intend "abusing" overpowered powerarmors you would need more dmg multipliers of course. (the game is realy broken only because of the stupid op powerarmors)

btw: If you dislike powerarmors as much as me, but refuse to just completely nerf it to hell, you can change alot gameplay changes. So i decided to make powerarmors drain more powercell energy, even more while running and powercells value is trippled now. So you might wanna sell them for money and you cannot buy so many. This way players have more logical choices. Even if you do not intend using powerarmors, you still will enjoy finding powercells.

Edited by yerude
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