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I believe it is ENB/Parallax issues...


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So, I cannot figure out what exactly is wrong, however, the big problems happened after trying to use the ENB, and parallax mods... I may be doing something wrong, however, I do not know!

I have all prerequisites to run my mods, I am almost POSITIVE it has to do with my new parallax and ENB mods/it could also be something with the weather mods...

I have a character saved in the Helgen cave at the beginning of the game, that I can run; however if I load any other save, it just crashes, I even tried making a new game, and it just crashes... Not like I am crying over that, the crazy camera (fps/physics error?) turns me off from making a new character anyways... But, yeah, either way... I can not go outside...
Either way, if anybody is willing to help, I posted 3 pictures of my load order... I have run it through LOOT aswell.




Sorry if this isn't the appropriate way or place to address this problem. I don't use these forums.

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