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.44 magnum.. Wimpy? Sounds like something someone who doesn't own one of each would say.


The .44 is not only a larger caliber than a .357, but has a higher muzzle velocity as well. Basically, the .44 is the stronger weapon of the two.

The only way I can see the .44 realistically causing less damage is because it's so powerful it penetrates all the way through the target, while the .357 bullet travels slower, and doesn't over penetrate. Of course another side effect is the .44 has more recoil, making the second shot take slightly longer to line up.


While I will agree that which one is better is a matter of personal preference, as they both have their Pros and Cons, if the word "Wimpy" were to be applied to one or the other, it would better fit the .357 (Though personally, I feel that word only really fits those little 9mm's.)


Now that i've gotten that off my chest, I'm all for a mod that adds more (Realistic) guns. Bring on the .22's and the 40mm's!

Edited by Valykry
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