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Companion Control


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I am looking for a mod to have a bit more control over my companions. Mainly so that I can tell them what clothing, armor and weapons to equip. Does anyone know of a mod that has done this? If not, can someone make one please?

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JIP was an old fallout new vegas mod that added a small hud (somewhat like old rpg's) where you could see your companions life, give them orders like "go there", "Get that" "Heal me", "stand guard and muuuch much more! (link down below.

As for if there are already such a mod? Well... If only you want to change their cloth or weapon. There are some different mods out there. Mainly one for each companion.

How ever if what you want is a mod where you without trading with your companion can choose what weapon they got installed. Such a mod is (to my knowledge) not out yet. But will possibly come after the release of the GECK


Heres a mod that allowed you to change Valentines Clothing and weapon called "Fashionable Valentine" http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7035/?
JIP Companion Command and Control: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50468/?

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