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Keyboard keys "stick" in skyrim - Very annoying when trying to run around


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Been searching for days for an answer to this problem. Only found one post specifically about this problem from 2012 which was never answered with a solution.


When I'm running around using WASD in Skyrim, occasionally, especially when I hold W then tap S or D to turn a bit, then release S or D, they'll get stuck and continue running sideways for no reason.


This is not a physical keyboard issue, I have no problems with my keys getting stuck in any other game or outside of games. It works perfectly fine, hell I'm using it to type this very thread.


This isn't only limited to S or D keys, occasionally I'll get stuck runnig forward or backwards as well until I firmyl retap the offending key. Additionally it is not limited to movement, I've also had it effect me in menus as well. This doesn't seem to be mod related as I experienced it both with a vanilla install and a modded install with in the past couple of weeks since I started trying to play again.


Looking for some sort of fix because I really want to play, but its impossible with this extreme irritation.



I'm using a Corsair K70 keyboard, which has no additional software, its simply plug and play, so I don't see it being software related.

Edited by Alcsaar1
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Conflicting key with skyrims auto run key maybe (Auto run default C key)?


Doesn't sound like it, but maybe windows sticky keys active maybe?

(Control Panel -> Ease Of Access -> Sticky keys -> Options -> Turn on sticky keys when 2 keys are pressed at once)


Just stabbing in the dark, for me it was windows sticky keys interfering my character would keep moving after letting go of the keys.

Only happened once on one pc i had.

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I had a similar problem a couple of times when for some reason an alternative controller (wheel) I had plugged in overrode move commands and I slowly slid sideways, anther time was when my son had plugged in a second keyboard (one he prefers) and the cat was leaning on it, simply unplugging and re plugging the errant controller USB as moving the cat cured the problem.

a bit late but I hope your problem can be fixed as easily.


As ever Pete

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