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can some one make a dragon like the red eyes black dragon off of that show yugio? if so make it have resist fire 100%, eye of night constant effect, resist poision 60%, some magic were he can breathe fire for 5 seconds, make him eight feet tall, and have a powerful punch. :rolleyes: B) :lol:
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Lets see, a model that would require remaking every single animation file, armor model, new spell effects, redoing a few other things to make the extra height work without conflicting with a world designed for smaller characters, and probably a few other things I've missed. Oh, and the model itself is far from an easy one to make and set up for animation. And just to be an extra challenge, you provide absolutely no reference pictures, since when compared to the rest of it, finding my own images is easy work! And you offer to do exactly nothing to help. Oh well, at least its better than your last request....


So I'll consider it, in trade for some payment. I want it to have 100% US Currency for infinite years. I want it all paper, with large numbers on it, just like in that show "My Bank Account". I want it to have constant effect resist theft 100%, be in a stack eight inches tall, and have some magic where it arrives in my bank account before I start working on your project. Deal?

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Again, same thing. The size issue was only a tiny part of it. Even if you just want the model ingame, its still a lot of work.


1) Find reference pictures: More of a time issue than difficulty. But there is no excuse for asking for help with something and refusing to do even the slightest bit to help. And this is something anyone can do, modeling knowledge or not.

2) Make the model: not the easiest thing ever

3) Set up bones for animation: again, not that easy

4) Redo walk, attack, etc animations in morrowind: a lot of work, if it can even be done. Human and dragon proportions are very different, so I'm not even sure its possible.

5) Redo or make new armor: The existing armor won't fit a dragon shaped body. So anything you want to use has to be remade and reanimated.

6) Test and refine all of the above: I promise none of this is going to come out right the first time. So that means long hours of work to get it right.


Its not an impossible project, but if you expect people to do it for you, you'll need to start talking about payment. I (and any other sane modeler) don't have infinite time after my own projects, and spending a huge amount of time on something for someone else is just not going to happen otherwise.

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Well, playable or not, a lot of that's still going to be needed. Even an npc creature still needs walk animations, some form of attack, etc. And considering the requests for magic abilites, I assume the original poster wants to be able to play this new creature.
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Well okay now that you put it that way it sounds really really hard so can someone make a dragon that looks like red eyes black dragon but without that eight foot tall thing to make it much easier. now can someone make it



Well in my experence its not very wise to use huge characters, you end up getting stuck in door ways and stair cases.

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