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[Request/Ideas] Star Wars Force Powers


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Hi guys. I've just started a playthrough as Darth Vader (with his helmet & lightsaber mods obviously). I am also using the high jump mod as Force Jump. But that's still very lacking as Vader. I wonder if someone can help make some Force mods. I have some ideas with details below.




Force Push - Basically uses the same effect as Lorenzo's Artifact Gun but instead of a gun on the right hand, it's placed on the left hand using the grenade key. I don't know if there's any "push" animation in-game - having an animation would be ideal of course but no animation is fine too. Just press grenade key to use it and if possible, hold & release to make it more powerful just like the Artifact Gun. Also, instead of using ammo, it costs AP. But that's optional really.


Force Lightning - Ideally with a casting spell animation like in Skyrim and shoots out lightning. But if that's not possible, then maybe just modify the pulse grenade's texture and sound. So you throw out a lightning ball that explodes and instead of the throwing grenade sound, it's some kind of electricity sound effect during the throw.


Force Explode - Locks on a target, holds the grenade key, the enemy's entire body starts turning red then 5 seconds later they just explode into body pieces.


Force Lift - Your left hand goes into an "up" gesture (if animation exists) and the enemy flies upward high into the sky and for weaker enemies they'll just die when they land.


Saber Throw - Using grenade key, you throw a spinning lightsaber with very high damage. The saber can be picked back up afterward.




Really hope someone can at least make Force Push happen. And if you have any other ideas on execution, go right ahead. Since I'm no modder I really don't know what's do-able and what's not.


Thanks in advance!!

Edited by yic17
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I am also new to modding, maybe other people could imagine better ways to do so, but the first thing i have in mind are consumable items like drugs which are unlimited.

You could put these consumables to your hotkeys and have something like a skillbar. Using AP could be some kind of Mana, every used consumable could use some AP.

Also every consumable could cast the spells you want to have, but each must be created seperately. This is where i cannot help much anymore ^^ But it should be possible.

Force push could be some invisible projectile with no damage but force dmg. Force explode something similar.

Saber throw as a grenade could be possible, but you still would have your saber in your inventory. Should all be possible, even if i cannot do it ^^

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Geez, you should play Skyrim .... the game has existing force (in term of shouts) that does almost the same thing. And since the game is not new, there are a good number of mods that let you do those kind of Force as well. I used to play Skyrim and among many characters I played, one of them is a female demigod who carries twin swords, jump very high, and her swords swing with force that can hurt mortals without the blade touching them. It's not OP because I limited only certain actions I could do and I treated it like a role playing experience (instead of a challenging Nightmare mode, I had a couple of those playthrough before).

But yeah ... Skyrim is your answer. For Fallout 4 .... maybe it will happen, but give it a year minimum. No Creation Kit is out yet, so there is a lot of limitation on what modders can do. Creating a brand new combat system through modding ontop of an existing game (that was hard coded not to have something like this) can be a very tall order.


Edit: In case you think Skyrim is an old game not worth playing ... The graphic of Skyrim is still very amazing. And with ENB, it can easily beat FO4 Vanilla by miles. In fact, after Skyrim, I was very disappointed in New Vegas, graphic wise. Skyrim has tons of custom armors and mods, and the same modding layered armor system. And for player home .... hmmm, by far the most satisfying. Did you check out what homes you could download? My favorite was the gypsy wagon home that I could ride everywhere as a wanderer (but with an entire functionality of a home wherever I need).

Edited by tomomi1922
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Skyrim mods are very chaotic. Even with modmanager you cause crashes very often with many mods. I was very frustrated with the steamworkshop for a very long time.

I think both Skyrim and Fallout have some small gameplay disadvantages which must be changed with mods. But maybe it is the quantity of mods. It is also difficult to find the realy good ones.

Maybe i played skyrim too early. But it has the same problem in vanilla as fo4. Both games are reidcously easy. Even on highest difficulty.

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I have played Skyrim. Steam shows 300+ hours so far and I'm like halfway through only. But I didn't use a Star Wars character in Skyrim because it just doesn't fit into the setting very well comparing to Fallout setting. It feels too far off while Fallout setting with Star Wars character just feels more believable.


Anyway, I understand without Creation Kit things will be more difficult. But at the same time in the details I did provide different ways to approach the ideas. One way may be more difficult but another is using what already exists but just changing minimal things that are moddable right now. For example, changing the texture of a pulse grenade into a lightning ball - I think that's very doable - if someone is skilled in texturing that is. And for Force Push, there's already the Lorenzo's Artifact Gun, just need to use the same effect and apply it to the left hand (grenade button). So I don't think these ideas are impossible even without a Creation Kit. Just need to find someone willing to make them. :confused:

Edited by yic17
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