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Oblivion Reloaded and not working DarNified UI


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Simplest method is using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) ... it's Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> Reset BSA Timestamps -> Update Now.

Ah, this worked, thanks a bunch! I used TES Mod Manager. One question though. When does the Darnified Ui kick in? After loading the start menu looks like vanilla, but if I click new game for example it displays the screen in Darnified fonts! Also when staring a new game the loading screen text is Darnified, but the text by the loading bar is vanilla, confusing.

Edited by Metzok
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Sorry I'm a vanilla UI type myself.


Seems to me I recall seeing instructions to the effect that it needs to be manually installed, but perhaps someone will pipe in with more informed advice.


- Edit - Errr ... my memory must be OK (for short term anyway). You'll only need to look back to post #3 in this very thread to find Forli's advice to that effect, and if anybody is going to know about UI mods it'll be Forli.

Edited by Striker879
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