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Modded game doesnt load Trespasser


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I have several mods loaded, got no errors from the mod-manager when patching.


I played the whole game without any problems, including the other DLC's... Right up to Trespasser. But when i start that DLC, it starts to load, but freezes halfway in a black screen.


I hope someone knows what's happening here... but since i hate trespasser, as it ruins the story imho... it wouldn't be a big deal if no one did.


However, IF i need a finished game, for If there ever is a follow up game... It would be nice if i had one. Although i doubt it, and even if there is.. knowing Bioware.. past events will probably be handled by another Keep.


Its just that i cant stand something not working, without me knowing why. i want it to be a choice, not playing Trespasser.. not forced on me by a not working game.



I suppose anyone interested in this problem... would like to know my mod-list, so i attached it.







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Lots of mods, especially older and larger mods cause problems on loading into Trespasser for the first time. The safest thing is to remove most of them, if not all of them, then load into the Winter Palace, make a save and then remerge them again.


Some will still not work, like a lot of Formal Wear replacers or big mesh changers.


It's a problem that's being worked on.


Smaller mods and those which are only hex edits are generally fine for the first load. e.g. quicker looting, war table no waiting. All of mine seem to load ok too but they are all simple hex edits. Live like viv should be fine too.

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Lots of mods, especially older and larger mods cause problems on loading into Trespasser for the first time. The safest thing is to remove most of them, if not all of them, then load into the Winter Palace, make a save and then remerge them again.


Some will still not work, like a lot of Formal Wear replacers or big mesh changers.


It's a problem that's being worked on.


Smaller mods and those which are only hex edits are generally fine for the first load. e.g. quicker looting, war table no waiting. All of mine seem to load ok too but they are all simple hex edits. Live like viv should be fine too.





Makes you wonder what is so different about Trespasser, compared with the other DLC. All the mods i am using work fine with all DLC except Trespasser...


It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so time consuming to change the load-out of mods... Almost makes you wanna quit playing dragon Age... where are the times of DA-O, where you could load 50+ mods, and then change them mid-game and it would still just keep loading... sigh...



Besides, i cant remove the mods, because then my save wont load, saying that it was created using a newer version of the game, and i should patch up.. lol.


Oh well... by by Trespasser... no big loss.

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1. Open the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch\package.mft"

2. Record your current Version number, close the file

3. Remove mods and "Repair" the game (back to vaniila state)

4. Edit the package.mft Version back to what it was before the changes

5. Load game, go to Winter Palace, make new save, exit game

(5b. If necessary, repeat Step 3, incrementing the Version number until your save loads)

6. Reinstall the mods you want to use whilst playing Trespasser


(7. [Optional] Check package.mft and record new Version number.)

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1. Open the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch\package.mft"

2. Record your current Version number, close the file

3. Remove mods and "Repair" the game (back to vaniila state)

4. Edit the package.mft Version back to what it was before the changes

5. Load game, go to Winter Palace, make new save, exit game

(5b. If necessary, repeat Step 3, incrementing the Version number until your save loads)

6. Reinstall the mods you want to use whilst playing Trespasser


(7. [Optional] Check package.mft and record new Version number.)




Thanks Thandal, for your detailed explanation. I myself have not been sitting still either, and i have found the mod that was the culprit. I can now not change my winter palace outfit, and use 1 hairstyle.. i never used anyway... but i can load my game straight into Trespasser. and play it without problems.. i will post my load order here, so that everyone can see what mods I have, and what Mods have no problem with Trespasser whatsoever.


On a side note... I have therefore just finished Trespasser on nightmare, and i must say that i enjoyed it way more then the first time i played it. Maybe Bioware has changed something, or maybe i have changed my views, i cannot say what the reason is. I must admit, I am still not totally happy with its ending, so perhaps i am a happy ending guy.. but i can now play it without being left with a feeling of DA-I being enjoyable, but totally useless... I suppose it all depends on what comes next. Tevinter maybe ?...



Here is my mod list.. i hope it helps someone....

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The same advice applies to you that tirnoney gave above. Trespasser doesn't play nice with some mods, so the best thing to do is disable mods when starting the DLC. When you get to a point where you can walk around and save, then enable them and see if things work. If they don't, then disable one-by-one until the game loads.

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