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Question regarding COC id after leaving the Tutorial Dungeon


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Im finally trying Oblivion since I have time again. Never played it but FO3, FNV, Skyrim, FO4. Simply love Bethesda games and the Engine, even if the Engine might be a bug magnet at points.

Mods fixes that mostly though. Cant even count anymore how many hours I have spent in Bethesda games. 1000? More? Woah.


Im going to play mostly Vanilla since I like to feel the game how it was intended and appreciate the work.

However, I installed the Unofficial Patches, Darnified UI, Oblivion Reloaded and fast exit plugin.


At least I think those are essentials to fully enjoy the game on PC. I played it some minutes Vanilla without Oblivion Reloaded or Darnified UI but woah... The UI was horrible and the fact that I couldnt enable HDR and Anti Aliasing at the same time was horrible. So I installed at least those two mods. Fast Exit plugin fixes the crashes which happen all the time when closing the game. I have disabled the gameplay changes like 2 weapons in the OblivionReloaded.ini though, wanna play Vanilla. ;)

Might enable it later.





Now the actual question. Im quite handy with modding and console commands in the Creation Engine or Gamebryo Engine, pretty similar actually.

The command player.coc can teleport a player somewhere. I would like to use this before starting my game to ensure the graphic tweaks from Oblivion Reloaded are correctly setup and everything works. For example, I didnt like the Depth Of Field effect. Never really liked it actually. Disturbs me. I want to check those effects and which I use to play the game.

This I can only do outsite though and I dont have a save from after the tutorial prison and going outsite. I was looking only for a command to teleport myself outsite in front of the "Tutorial" Dungeon.

Couldnt find a COC ID though. Somewhere else would be also fine like next to the Imperial City or whatever.


Might someone be so nice and provide me with a coc id? Would really help me with modding my game and testing.

Thanks alot!

Sorry for all this text though. Easy question, but much text... :sick:

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It is "ICPrisonSewerExit01" (no quote marks of course).


A good starting point for finding location codes for Oblivion is Oblivion:Quests on the UESP Wiki. If you aren't certain of a place's name click on the nearest town/village and on that place's UESP Wiki page in the summary box in the top right corner of the page click on "view on map". From the map you can either click on the name of the place you were looking for on the map or click the down arrows on the top left of the map screen to open "Show Search Results" and click the link there. The location code will be found on the UESP Wiki page for any location on the summary box top right.

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I wasn't sure of the name either, but I knew that Vilverin was right across the water from the sewer exit so I just used search (top of the left margin on any UESP Wiki page) to get to Vilverin's page and the map from there.

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Another handy thing to get in the right direction might be to toggle debug text on (tdt), then checking the player x and y coordinates (cycle through debug text modes by "SetDebugText X" where X is the text number), dividing the x and y coordinates by 4096 and using the "cow x y" command to travel to a certain cell in a worldspace. I think that was how it worked. There should be some info somewhere on it, the x and y coordinates were cells (integers) if I remember it correctly - one cell was something around 4096 units, so that is why the division to get the cells. But it is still an approximation, you can end up in an adjanced cell depending on your rounding of the division's result. If that helps, as not all exterior cells have unique IDs.


Edit: Oops. You need the coordinates of the place for that method, either in in-game units or cells. But I think they should be available somewhere.

Edited by Contrathetix
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