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Reason for ZephyrWarrior's PA mod Review


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I think it might be because all of the paints its using that other people made he said he got permission to use them but the mods are double checking just to make sure. if its not that than i don't know.

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It would be really retarded if he got banned over this. The textures Worsin made are not particularly original or hard to do. And are based of the Bethesda flames textures. Just without any details.. Not very hard to accidentally make textures that look similar when working with vanilla textures... And really stupid to start pointless drama over something like that..


And really pathetic if it was some butthurt fanboy who reported ZephyrWarrior's mod..

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Well i read the entire episode of this "Issue" that existed, did you know that it was a simple mistake on Zeph's side, he was working well into the night and accidentally renamed the original textures he was working off instead of his. The moment he realized this, he immediately apologized and reuploaded his textures, but the guy who got butthurt didn't take it and apparently whined enough to the nexus mods, which appears to be the reason the mod is now under review...


And its been 3 days now. How the f*#@ can something like this take so long?

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Well i read the entire episode of this "Issue" that existed, did you know that it was a simple mistake on Zeph's side, he was working well into the night and accidentally renamed the original textures he was working off instead of his. The moment he realized this, he immediately apologized and reuploaded his textures, but the guy who got butthurt didn't take it and apparently whined enough to the nexus mods, which appears to be the reason the mod is now under review...


And its been 3 days now. How the f*** can something like this take so long?

Soooo... the mod is under review because a SJW felt like demanding to waste Dante's time? Wow... I kinda feel sorry Zeph, because that mod looks cool indeed. I hope he doesn't get banned over something he HAS already fixed.

Edited by jcdenton2012
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Well i read the entire episode of this "Issue" that existed, did you know that it was a simple mistake on Zeph's side, he was working well into the night and accidentally renamed the original textures he was working off instead of his. The moment he realized this, he immediately apologized and reuploaded his textures, but the guy who got butthurt didn't take it and apparently whined enough to the nexus mods, which appears to be the reason the mod is now under review...


And its been 3 days now. How the f*** can something like this take so long?

So did I.

That's not how it happened.

Zeph first denied all of it.

Then, when it was shown he was indeed using someone else's textures as his own, denied it again.

Over on reddit he then claimed he outsourced the textures to another, claiming not to know where they came from. (Despite earlier claims he made them himself)

And now the excuse posted above.

Yeah right.

He brought this upon himself.

Edited by VarekRaith
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