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Reason for ZephyrWarrior's PA mod Review


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How is it someone hasn't sent me a link to this until now? Jeez. I'll respond when I'm back on my desktop. Everyone cool your jets until then please.


/technically/ this thread shouldn't exist as you aren't supposed to talk about hidden mods, but I don't see any harm in responding to it since I didn't post it.

Edited by ZephyrWarrior
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So did I.

That's not how it happened.

Zeph first denied all of it.

Then, when it was shown he was indeed using someone else's textures as his own, denied it again.

Over on reddit he then claimed he outsourced the textures to another, claiming not to know where they came from. (Despite earlier claims he made them himself)

And now the excuse posted above.

Yeah right.

He brought this upon himself.

I will say now, that this guy is talking out of his nether regions and has no idea what he's talking about.


invock's was an honest mistake as others have said, although with incorrect details. I wasn't working off of them as suggested above, rather they were in an identically named folder (textures/Actors/PowerArmor, durr) which I had been using during a playthrough and modified slightly to embolden the logos. I apologized on my page and in a PM to him, after which he continued to slander me so I posted the PM on his page with a sarcastic prefix. In resolution we were supposed to remove all references to the incident from our pages, which he did and then promptly posted mentioning it again right after.


I defended it initially because I believed (and why wouldn't I?) that I had included my textures and not the ones invock used in his imgur album. I feel kind of bad that he spent all that time making that album to make me look bad when he could've just done one texture and sent it to me pointing it out.


What the guy I quoted may be referring to is Worsin's claim. I didn't rip off his textures, however I spent a lot of time compiling master files from a number of sources including PSDs from multiple people, and they may have contained sample layers or something. I don't know the exact chain of events and quite frankly it doesn't matter. The point is I acknowledged it and fixed it.


Both of these issues could have been resolved over PM without even involving the site staff had either of them been mature enough to do so. invock responded to my Merry Christmas PM in a threatening manner and by the time I could even respond he had already taken to spamming and slandering me everywhere he could. At least Worsin cut the slander when told to (AFAIK, I'm blocked from his page, anyone can correct me if he didn't stop).


As of right now, my textures I have on my PC to include in 1.0.0 have 0 influence from anyone but Bethesda. Not my friend's PSDs or anything.


More detail to follow once I get back to my PC.

Edited by ZephyrWarrior
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well i hope this is getting resolved soon so we can put this nonsense behind us.

too bad that being a good modder doesn't automatically result in having good people skills,

one would think that modders would respect each other enough to not make such a deal (at least not in public) over a single texture in a mod that is well over a GB in size where obviously a ton of work and time went into.

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Well... I'm glad that this is getting resolved, and it's a pity that these two idiots made an effort to drag you down Zeph. As to my personal opinions on Invock and Worsin, if your statements are true to the events then this definitely reflects poorly upon them (not that anyone really cares about personal reputations on Nexus), but it does bring forth the traditional wisdom of future projects: "If you have a problem with another modder... then just don't associate with them." No scorn, no arguing, no unprofessional conduct, just walk away and ignore one another. I've done it to others, they've done it me, and I'm fine with it.

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Unfortunately it's not easy to walk away from them when they incessantly report your file and slander you at every opportunity. I have my morals and most other on Nexus won't really care about them, so I'm fine really. I'm more annoyed with my file being hidden for so long than I am with their immaturity. I ran Garry's Mod servers for years, two people throwing tantrums is nothing, trust me. Edited by ZephyrWarrior
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