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GRUP resource/reference ?


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As the title indicates, I am desperately searching for any resource/reference regarding the GRUPs ( recordtypes/objects, whatever you name it: the 4 letter BOLD abbreviations like COBJ, DLBR, FLST and all the others... ) . I am trying to get my hands at modding, but am incredibly confused by the different types of records, not really having a clue of what works together with what, what references what, what needs what, and what the variable input field inside each record do . I have asked the giant brain of the world which is google, and looked through documentation of xEdit and the Skyrim CK, and could not find anything comprehensive . Maybe I am blind . What I am not is stupid, really: I can and already did learn a LOT through simply looking at MODs in FO4Edit, but there are still SO many questions...


Any pointer would be much appreciated .

Edited by Kastergir
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Thanks zilav ! Not only for your reply, but most of all for all the work you put into xEdit already, and still making it better .


"ModFileFormat"... XD . Eerie, not having found what I was looking for 'cos of not knowing what to search for .

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