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Purple Body Parts


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noticed i have purple backside of neck. though no idea why. i mean i haven't download any boy texutres for a while at all. only mod i installed is caliente body and tools to change body, i made sure not to install any body textures at all not to mess it up since i had my perfect face texture etc. so i have no idea why the backside of my neck is purple, i had t download the cbbe body sliders in order to use the vanilla body for slooty outfit since the original version of mod gives the body unproportional. and the body is vanilla now. but the backside of my neck is purple. anyone knows how to solve it? i am veryfying cache now. not sure if it'll work

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In my experience, Purple parts means that the ESP file is not pointing to the correct NIF (although that normally makes the item invisible) or the NIF isn't pointing to the correct BGSM or the BGSM is not pointing to the DDS files or the DDS files are missing...


Hope that helps...

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Good point... I forget that the "old school modders" go directly from NIF to textures as BGSM files are a Fallout 4 thing... LOL



I just watched the CBBE installation youtube... That is where the purple on the back of the neck comes from... He recommends using a hairstyle that covers it...

Edited by robtest
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Good point... I forget that the "old school modders" go directly from NIF to textures as BGSM files are a Fallout 4 thing... LOL



I just watched the CBBE installation youtube... That is where the purple on the back of the neck comes from... He recommends using a hairstyle that covers it...



That could be because he hasnt used body studio properly, selected the correct body type etc, also having body textures that fit the body mesh is extremely important obviously....


from what i have noticed most people having this issue are using Glorious nude, nucular nude or one of those other dated skin textures....

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  • 2 months later...



I had the same issue, and I found the reason why.


There have been some changes with folders in the newer CBBE versions, so you have to add an additional folder to the Archive section in the .ini file.


Add this to sResourceDataDirsFinal: , MATERIALS\

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