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Opening map causes crashes in certain area

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I've been working on a mod for a good amount of time now, and am close to posting the final update, but before I do so, I REALLY want to fix a problem that has plagued the mod since close to the start...


In a certain area, the game crashes when opening the map. This did not originally happen, and happened sometime after building a castle. So far, all I've been able to do about it is warn people not to open the map in this area and get far away before fast traveling.


Currently, the CK tells me I need to refinalize the navmesh in that same area every time I open the CK, however, finalizing all the surrounding navmesh, saving the mod, then reopening the mod just gives me the same errors (that it needs to be refinalized).



The entire castle is initially disabled with an xmarker for the enable parent, and a specific part of the quest causes the castle to appear, but I don't think this would cause issues, as the crashes happen both when the castle is disabled AND enabled. However, the castle IS built from HUNDREDS of static meshes.


The castle is NOT displayed on the map, the map uses the original LOD data from the new world resource, as that's the world I built the mod on and haven't been able to get Oscape to work with this world space as I did my other mods... But here's that if anyone needs to look at it






I'm sure more info will be required for someone to help me figure out the issue, but that's all I can think to include for now, will update as people ask questions lol.



EDIT: I get the same navmesh needs to be refinalized due to missing bounds on a number of cells that are elsewhere in the world but do not crash in those cells, I only crash in a roughly estimated 4 cells surrounding the castle.



EDIT: Not sure if this would "fix" the problem if it IS the LOD/map... But I backed up my terrain/LODSettings folders, deleted terrain from both meshes and textures as well as my world space's .LOD file. Still getting same CTD when tying to open map. It's INSTANT. as soon as I hit "m" on my keyboard, skyrim just closes.


So would that mean that the LOD/Map is not the issue?

Edited by saintgrimm92
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If ur crash is happening when u open the world map, odds are u need to redo ur land and object LOD. I remember that resource had issues with LOD if i recall correctly. The custom meshes it adds are VERY high poly, and setting some of them to load on the world map usually causes the engine to crash.

If u want to refinalize navmesh for the world, always use Navmesh > Force Finalize Full Worldspace
literally takes 2 seconds to do it for the entire world.

Edited by Di0nysys
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I'm having issues with Oscape - Or if the world space has issues, perhaps its the world space instead.


I made the map/lod for my ragnarok worldspace with Oscape, and it came out fine, however, with the new world resource, the map is just a block of land with rips and tears in it, so I've thus far kept breti's data as the map that came in the LOD data actually looks like the world space unlike the one I've attempted many times to make with Oscape.


I also don't know much about LOD/map. I just follow the tutorial made for Hodminir, but it doesn't really tell me what to do when Oscape is doing what it's doing with this world space lol.


Here's the tutorial, if by any chance someone needed to see what I'm talking about:






I've used force finalize now, but I still get the same navmesh errors when opening CK, there's a large number of cells that "need to be refinalized" but it only mentions 1 cell that's causing the CTD



EDIT: Not sure if this would "fix" the problem if it IS the LOD/map... But I backed up my terrain/LODSettings folders, deleted terrain from both meshes and textures as well as my world space's .LOD file. Still getting same CTD when tying to open map. It's INSTANT. as soon as I hit "m" on my keyboard, skyrim just closes.


So would that mean that the LOD/Map is not the issue?

Edited by saintgrimm92
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I had a similar problem yesterday. The game crashend the moment I opened the map in my new worldspace. I have already made 4 different worldspaces and the first 3 were without this problem. Since I hadnt placed much in my 4th worldspace I checked it and found out that the cause of the crash was a map marker that was accidentally placed under the ground. When I deleted or placed it above the ground the crash wouldn't occur. So I guess that the map marker somehow caused an error since it was unaccessable.

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I'll do so digging around the area and make sure there's no rogue map markers :D


You wont believe how much things I am accidentally misplacing each time I work on my worldspace ^^ This wasnt my first time that some misplaced marker or trigger caused a crash/ bug in my mod.

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Map markers weren't an issue.


When the esp is ESMified, there is no crashing. When it's ESPified, I can't open a map in that area.


Problem is, when it's ESMified, trees I deleted to build the castle are in place again, not just there though either... My villages are filled with trees I had deleted to build them as well. So leaving it as an ESM isn't an option

Edited by saintgrimm92
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