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Opening map causes crashes in certain area

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The mod has grown VERY large over the past year. I have multiple slaved ESPs.


The base mod is DarkHaven.ESM + DarkHaven.esp
Update 01 - 03 also adds "DarkHavenUpdate01.esp"

The update01.esp is the one causing the crash depending on if its ESMified or ESPified.


When it takes the CK 5+ minutes to save, I ESMify the ESP I'm working on and create a new esp lol.



Update 04 adds another esp...


-DarkHaven.esm (the new world resource)

-DarkHaven.esp (Base mod, DakHaven.esm is master)

-DarkHavenUpdate01.esp (covers everything added in Updates 1 - 3, a small part of Update 04 as well DarkHaven.esp AND .esm are masters)

-DarkHavenEnd.esp (Covers the full Update04, which is more content than all previous updates, so probably needed it's own regardless of how long it took to save. All above are masters)

Edited by saintgrimm92
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You should merge all of them with TES5Edit. Make sure u make backups first, and clean ur latest slave for ITM's, then load up the Master and Slaves and merge them using the 1.9 Merge script.


Never have this many slaves as ESP's can't edit the content of other ESP's, and the whole thing becomes a mess.
Once you've merged them, save the merged file, then clean it, then open it with CK, do a dummy edit, then save (CK clears any errors that come from merging). Then open up the merged file in TES5Edit and make sure it's clean for errors, UDR's and ITM's.


Finally, ESmify the new merged file, and from here on out, just use 1 slave to edit master settings, and merge it it's master when the file becomes too large to save quickly. Sounds like a hassle but it's really the best way to avoid plugin issues. You can repeat this process any number of times in the future should ur new slave become too big.



Edit: One more thing, when checking for errors you will get errors from Formlists (in Tes5Edit). When merging, these lists are created and they contain every object that is used by every plugin; ie; there will be a list called "DarkHaven.esm forms", and that contains a list all the forms used in it. Go ahead and delete all of formlists that you find that have the DarkHaven name, as these slow u down if you're moving stuff in the editor and generate countless errors.

Edited by Di0nysys
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Thanks! I'll give it a try shortly :smile:



EDIT: Fixed!


Merged all .esp files into my esm with TESVEdit. Deleted forms, opened in CK, dummy edit, save, cleaned with TESVEdit. ESMified with Wryebash.


Will convert into actual ESM before upload.


Thanks so much! :D

Edited by saintgrimm92
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