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Morrowind Quest Style plz...


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I don't remember seeing it in the Sticky, but I know we will have fast travel =(. That is disappointing. Silt Strider was enough in Morrowind, but are they also going to have magical map markers for every objective like Oblivion. I loved in Morrowind the quest Third Trial Riddle. This took me forever, but was rewarding once I found the place. Morrowind actually made you read the quest and research to find out how to get from A to B. I hope Skyrim uses this.
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Well, to counter balance that, remember that a very large number of Morrowind quests were simple 'fetch this ingredient' or 'take the package to some guy' style.


I agree that cutting back on the map markers would be good BTW. But I don't think we should get too romantic about the quests in MW (a game I love , I should add) because a lot of them were very simplistic.

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i hated morrowinds journal/quest systems. i remember correctly after i finished morrowind and bloodmoon my journal 1000+ pages 99% of that worthless crap. the only was to keep track of your quests was your own memory. also no one forces you to fast travel so dont see the point.
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They could have an option to turn off the quest markers, at least.


And if I recall correctly, a member once stated that the problem was that they expect everyone to use it, even if you don't use it, some of the quests need you to run all across cyrodiil, to one city and back.

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It is not a bad idea but I don't see it happening to the extent Morrowind had it. Quest markers are good but not like how Oblivion used them, way too much. Somewhere right in the middle is a good point. Maybe lead you to the area but then let you figure it out the rest of the way, kind of deal would be good.
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It is not a bad idea but I don't see it happening to the extent Morrowind had it. Quest markers are good but not like how Oblivion used them, way too much. Somewhere right in the middle is a good point. Maybe lead you to the area but then let you figure it out the rest of the way, kind of deal would be good.


Yeah, have it the way the map marker overhaul does it and only show quest markers on the world map, instead of on the local map.

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I'll be honest. . .looking back, I loved Morrowind's travel system: silt strider wasn't the only way, remember, there were also Boats and Mage Teleportation--and those 3 together covered most major places you needed to get to or nearby, at least


As I've said before, I like fast traveling because it saves me mucho time that I usually do not have in RL, so it works for me--if Skyrim went back to the Morrowind system which required a bit more effort to use Fast Travel, I'd be ok with that, no biggie


But if the Oblivion system remains, that's fine too; less realistic, but eh, time is money

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According to Todd, they have both Morrowind and Oblivion's travel system.You can fast travel only to places you've visited before, but there's a horse carriage that will take you cities and towns you haven't visited yet.



IGN: For getting around the world, what methods will be available? Fast-traveling, and if so is it the same system from Oblivion? Horse riding? Any other travel options, such as something similar to the silt striders from Morrowind?


Todd Howard: If you've been to a location before you can fast travel back. We also have a carriage system that can take you to some major locations that you haven't been yet, so it's a bit of a mix.


I'm guessing that some of the hardcore Morrowind fans will only use the carriage, though.

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