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CPU upgrade or RAM upgrade


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Hey guys, I'll have to apologize in advance because I'm not too sharp when it comes to hardware and stuff. Anyways, I'm going to do a bit of upgrading and I was wondering what I could do.


Currently have:


nvidia GeForce 8800GT

Duo Core @ 1.86GHz

2GB of RAM


What should I focus on upgrading? I'm not trying to go overboard, but I'm looking at anything < $200


And thanks for responding!

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I figured I should add a few additional details. I don't go that overboard with my game. I run it on high settings with a few mods that help out performance like Clean up New Vegas, Stutter remover, and Better Game Performance V4. I also use Nevada Skies, nvamp, fellout, and then a few minor mods. It's strange though, the game runs smooth as butter when I'm inside most places, but outside the framerate is choppy and I get stupid stutters when it's loading stuff. I'm just looking to improve that. Edited by RyanLP
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I've only just briefly googled your video card and it looks like it's from about 2007. The GTS 250 that I use is a 2009-vintage card and runs NV fairly well--I've only seen some slight graphical lag in the Strip--and it should be 100 bucks or less by now. I think that might be a better bet than RAM or CPU, to be honest.


Though, if you're set on upping either RAM or CPU, I say go with CPU. A friend of mine ran NV just fine on 2GB with a high-end CPU and video card.

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the GTS 250 will definitely be more than enough. i ran the 250 for 3+ years, and its been said to out-perform the newer gtx line of cards with the same amount amd type of dedicated memory.


speaking of memory, i would focus on upping your memory to 4gb at least. the extra memory allow for a smoother gameplay

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That's sick. I was reading a lot of things like that online about it last night. That's a good point with the RAM too, I'll make sure to pick up some more once I've got the new processor and a gts 250 in. I'll hopefully order them both today. Thanks for the help guys.
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