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Don't play as the sole survivor without breaking the story.


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Hello guys,

I did a quick google search if there already existed a thread like this and didn't find any. If there is, please point it out to me and close/remove this post.


So, we have Fallout 4. And we have a voiced protagonist. With a very strict background story.

But we could actually fix this! With the voiced protagonist.


Every NPC in FO4 has a voice. If you see two NPCs talking you just expect them to both have a voice.


Now what would happen if the sole survivor was a NPC?

Well, not much. In skyrim we would have had a lot of silence from the dragonborn. But not in fallout 4! The sole survivor can talk. So he/she can be a normal NPC!


You could play as someone completly different. But the story would still go on. Because the sole survivor exists and talks. You could have a mod that allows you to control the story, you influence the sole survivor to do the things the way you would like it.


One issue would be interaction with the sole survivor/other NPCs. But at least for the sole survivor we have so many lines of dialogue that it might be possible to create new lines!


I don't know nearly enough about modding to be able to do this. But I want to throw out this idea, want to see the opinions of others, the problems with my idea.


Greetings, Jasch

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So, for example: the player finds the Sole Survivor inside the Vault, and decides to help him/her? And serves as his/her companion?


You'd have to go through the Sole Survivor's lines and double up some so he/she can ask YOU (the newly non-sole-survivor-player) to help.


Cool idea though. I think F4 NEEDS a 2nd Life equivalent mod.

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