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How did you execute Rufio?


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Oblivion really wants you to be a cold blooded killer. The Dark Brotherhood quest line leaves you little alternative unless you decide not to play it. Murder is key to your journey through Cyrodil. You can avoid it but you have to be creative, Oblivion likes homicide.


So as a way of easing you into this you are given Rufio. Your friendly neighbourhood murderer/rapist.

His hint at a female victim takes away your uneasiness at stepping into the dark. You no longer feel sorry for this seemingly gentle old timer. Now you can smoke this fool with right on your side. You become Dirty Harry.


This for me was my 'license to kill'. I re-loaded my savegame at the door to his room and tried a rainbow of killing techniques before finally putting him to rest.

My last caress to Rufio turned out in the end to be, not subtle or elegant, but it was satisfying. Oh yeah.


First, i needed frantic's Blackpowder bombs. Then i oh so quietly entered Rufio's room and placed an annihilation bomb on his pillow, right next to the sleeping, good old man.

Next, to make the punishment fit the crime I placed 100 silver daggers and 100 love letters around his bed.


I put on 'Sympathy For The Devil' By the Rolling Stones (mp3'd it to all music files) and as the music ended and while looking in through the open doorway pressed the remote detonator.





Rufio has left the building.






So how did you do it? If you give me reason i'll go back and do him again. Evil,evil fun.

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I really just stabbed him while he was asleep.....that was it. Although it was enchanted so he went flying.
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Guy only has one point of health. It's an insult, really. My latest character bided her time until she had enough strength, skill, and a blade sharp enough to effect a one-hit sneak kill on her blood-ticket, and then we come up against Mr. 1-Point for our initiation test?


"Call of Moab". That's the name of a 3-point, 85-foot blast Fire spell I crafted to wreck rooms and set up a fireworks display against city walls. Good enough to toss Rufio about the room.


Of course, since the method of execution is your "signature", as Lucien says it, you should do the deed in the manner that exemplifies your character. The preferred method of mine is to break his neck (Hand-to-Hand sneak attack) then drag the body to the foot of the stairs to make it look like he accidentally fell down them. Clinical and secretive.

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First time around, a bunch of bandits slaughtered everyone in the inn.


Second time, I just used 4 Chameleon potions.


My retconned version of the assassination, however, involved me getting the Masque before I did the deed, and I've used that in every assassination since. Seems fitting, given that Vile's sphere is "the granting of power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact".

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He was running for the door and he ran in my crosshair for my bow... the door was closed so he took a second to open it. And in that second, his life was ended.


To be honest, Rufio was so weak, i think that was a waste of an arrow. The next time i kill him, I will probably go kung fu at him, and punch his lights out.

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I always liked talking to my targets if a get half a chance. I talked to him, he ran. As I was a master of telekenesis at the time, as he turned the corner I used my "force push" to slam him into the wall. He hit the wall, blood, then the ground, moan, then I put my knife through his neck. To calm my nerves I decided to go and grab a cold one, but the guards found me. Maybe the bar upstairs was a bad choice.
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I got a incredible mod from a friend, which as in halflife2, allows you to nail people to

walls and other interesting things like; doors, cielings, city walls, city guards and horses, but sadly makes my game come down from exterior 30 - 40 fps to 3-4 max!

But anyway, you can imagine what i'm getting at. As he stands up of the bed,

after I woke him, I shot him through the heart, causing him to fly about 4 feet

backwards at the wall, with the arrow sticking out of his heart.

I then preceeded to crucify him in an orderly fashion.

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