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Different Follower start and wait location


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Okay, I am making a follower and I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that the start location where you first meet the follower is different to their wait location.


Right now my follower starts off waiting at their wait location, not where I want them to start, which is at their editor location which is in a vault.(their wait is outside and they start outside not inside like I want) Is there a way to do this? I know Fawkes in FO3 has a different start and wait location as does Dogmeat. so it should be possible.



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Okay it seems I might have figured it out already. I just added an extra condition to my fired/gohome AI package so that the initial meeting quest had to be completed. (Getquestcompleted Quest: '******' >= 1.00) seems to work but I'll have to test it more to make sure.

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This is fairly easy to do. Instead of just having a wait package and a follow package, you need a third package which has them wait at their editor location, and a script variable to enable that package. By only checking the quest variable as you have done, you are essentially having them start without an active AI package, which means that they'll just stand there and do nothing. It's better to give them some kind of package as it makes them a bit more realistic.


The companion script would be something like this, which is a fairly basic and typical companion script with the addition of a variable called HangOutAtEditorLocation.


scn MyCompanionScript

short HasBeenHired
short L38
short Relax
short DoOnce

int CombatStyleRanged
int CombatStyleMelee
int IsFollowingDefault
int IsFollowingLong
int FollowerSwitchAggressive
int Waiting
int HangOutAtEditorLocation

Begin GameMode
If(DoOnce != 1)
Set HasBeenHired to 0
Set L38 to 0
Set CombatStyleRanged to 1
Set CombatStyleMelee to 0
Set IsFollowingDefault to 0
Set IsFollowingLong to 0
Set FollowerSwitchAggressive to 0
Set Waiting to 0
Set HangOutAtEditorLocation to 1
Set Relax to 0
Set DoOnce to 1

HangOutAtEditorLocation is initialized to1, and that variable should be the condition for their package that has them wait at their editor location. This can be a guard package or a sandbox package or whatever you'd like. For one companion NPC, I had them crucified at Nipton and required me to rescue them. You can have the variable modified as part of a quest if you'd like as well.

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