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Why hasnt anyone tried to help me out?


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Learn to mod yourself, there's plenty of thorough tutorials that explain how.


I'd also suggest you take a couple hours and look through the armor category. Who knows, you might actually find something better.


btw, whining will often actually bring about the opposite of what you want.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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Right. whatever, thanks for replys i guess... i'm just wanting to know if people just tackle the weapon requests instead of outfits though. Havn't read thru all the comments yet and i don't think i want to... I have looked through armour categorie aswell, havent searched it all yet.


I'd avoid both that word and that attitude in future if you want help from others on this site (and to remain unbanned).




Learn to mod yourself, there's plenty of thorough tutorials that explain how.


Learn to mod yourself? i try to but apparently... we'll, lets just say that the people who write these tuts need to speak english (sarcasm). Hey, i have a poor brain.


I'll try something someone would like... But what would someone like? maybe something out of lotr? I'll have to search into it though. Theres a strider outfit but thats part of Merp project and they been updating their work for like... a lot of months so i can't use that yet.

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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On the subject of holding off on a mod because it is frequently updated, you can add that file to your tracking center. If you find the current version of the mod acceptable and aren't seeing any big problems in the recent mod comments you can install and then keep up with updates via the tracking center (saves remembering the mod name and finding the link). I haven't seen any way to turn automatic notifications on for files in your tracking center (would be a nice to have, and may be already there and I just can't find it ... been known to happen).
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