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Making a truly brutal combat play setup.


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Just been looking at ways to make it tougher on going back through the game. Figured I would put up what I am using and see if anyone has any suggestions to make it that bit more challenging.


Currently I am using:


Rebalancer. Pretty much set up to make it tougher to lockpick, give you less health, Damage is set to 100/300. Harder AI. Harder to sneak. Most other mods to make it more difficult.




High_Level_Scale: Just because its fun to run into those mobs where you have to run around and dodge or avoid not just walk up doing an easy run and gun.




Customize Legendary Enemy Spawning: Because who doesn't like 90%+ legendary creatures?




Adjusted Encounter Zones: Just another way to make it a little bit harder.







Can anyone else think of any other mods that would work well with these that would make it harder? Not interesting in weather effects like radstorms though.




Edit: Forgot I also use VATS Tweaks. Set it to full real time.



Edited by Kordach
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At the mean time, I don't think there is a lot of things you can do to make the game tougher without turning NPC into bullet sponge.


That is until we rigidly calculate armor penetration, ballistic vs energy weapon into account. Currently, armor penetrating upgrade yields lower damage, but at increase effectiveness again heavy armor. Energy weapon vs different type of armor. Right now leather armors seem to absorb energy damage better than combat armor. But right now it is not enough to feel the distinction. So if mods can amplify these kinds of properties, the game will make to be a lot more challenging. Say if you love combat armor, you will not likely to charge head first against energy weapon users while you can take more risk with ballistic. But there are a few mods...


- Mod that offers damage threshold that it will ignore certain amount of damage before putting into calculation. Like how do you damage a verti bird or power armor with a small pipe pistol? Just putting in 100 rounds? 1000 rounds? It's like you use a pistol against a tank .... probably about 100,000 rounds you will make a dent. Which means if you do not have the right caliber weapon, you might as well just hightail when you encounter power armor or vertibird, which makes so much sense.

- Mod that gives separate hitpoint for the pilot (but I haven't tried it). I assume you can snipe the pilot down, which can be a very hard task considering the plane flies fast and changes position frequently, but it will reward you greatly if you are a good sniper.


- Reballistic mod that can enhance HP only for mutants and certain NPC (instead of equally enhancing everyone's HP and cripple player equally).


- Mod that increases headshot damage. It makes it more rewarding to aim for the head instead of just spraying.

I will edit the thread with actual mod links when I get home. I am totally against fighting bullet sponge. It's just boring. Rather, you should be powerful because of your tactics and skills. And if you don't execute well, you have a good chance of dying. I fought a gunner's vertibird earlier. I thought I enhanced damage via Reballistic mod, but the vertibird barely hurt me even it kept firing at me. In real life, taking that much hits from a helicopter's weapon, I would be ripped into pieces. I don't know why it was so weak. All I wore was Combat armor.

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Thanks for the ideas. But I do have to say the HP can be modded seperately for player and NPCs in the rebalancer and if you go with the higher end damage changes you do get more damage for headshots and body shots with less for limb damage.


Was actually hoping someone had noticed some mods I had missed though. :)

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