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Aela Face Bugged (Bijin Warmaidens)


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I am having issues with the Bijin Warmaidens changes to work properly with Aela. I have included the link to the screenshot showing Aela when you first see her after defeating the giant outside Whiterun. It appears the body from the mod is appearing but the face is bugged.


I have also attached my current load order for reference if anyone can see if there is a particular mod that may be messing with her face. Currently the Bijin Warmaidens mod is last in the load order, just above DSR and the DSR Patch.




*Update* I was able to reset Aela's face in the Creation Kit back to her normal skintone and facepaint. I then tested out another Aela mod and when it loaded her face was grey with no facepaint like the screenshot.

Edited by MizzouBoy580
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Any change to Aela or any of the companions will likely conflict with the Enhanced Skyrim Factions:Companions Guild mod you have, according to the mod description,. I see a post some time back specifically about someone trying to get Bijiin Aela to work with that mod but they didn't seem to be able to.

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  • 3 years later...

Thank you so much for mentioning Enhanced Skyrim Factions: Companions. I recently installed it for a new playthrough and I couldn't for the love of god understand why almost all the major npc's in the companions had face bugs, because it used to work before. Except Aela of course, she's bugged from the start, but like Farkas/Vilkas etc those used to work. Now I know why, again thank you!

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