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Keeping it "real"


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The same thing that nagged you has always nagged me. Where are the people who make these items, build these buildings? Surely the IC doesn't depend on invisible gnomes. Adding those missing elements, even by hinting at their active presence in the mercantile system would not only create a more realistic feel, but it would open a lot of quest and job mod possibilities. Lots of people have asked for job and crafting mods. They exist, but the integration between them and the economy is not strong.
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On the subject of housing, one thing I added to my cabin was a water filled trough running along the back side of the kitchen. The water runs in through a pipe from a nearby stream (or spring, depending on the location) and out through another pipe on the opposite wall. In the water I have a chest for storage of things like cheese, milk, eggs, veggies, and other things I want to keep cool and fresh. Without scripting it's all just eyecandy, but for RP purposes it works. My mother has an old farmhouse with this same setup in an outdoor kitchen. I liked the idea and decided to put it in my game.



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I second that - it sounds like a great idea! I assume it's only a "realistic" thing to add if you have a cabin near a stream in-game - somehow it's not something to add to the waterfront hovel!


One possible addition - an Ice Chest for frozen food, and someone cutting ice from local mountain top and delivering it to make a primitive 'fridge. Maybe a very expensive magical version available once you've earned enough cash - a great reason to keep dungeoneering!

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Sorry for not being specific, it's just a cabin I threw together for myself when roleplaying a ranger/hermit type character. The cabin is near a stream, I forget the name but it's the Unique landscape mod between Chorral and Skingrad. It wouldn't have to be near a stream however, if you want to just assume there is a natural spring nearby. That's the way it works at my moms place.



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I like the "Let the people drink" mod because of the drinking implication - would love to see it actually cause real problems once the water dries up but that would make it far more complex. You'd also have to set the starting point for the quest very carefully so your character could actually survive the quest if it was installed at the start of a new game.
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If the water supply had REALLY gone, you'd expect problems for the inhabitants of the Imperial City - more ale consumption, rising ale prices, more public drunkenness (due to more ale), and probably additional random rat attacks due to them having been driven out of the sewers due to lack of water.


Trying to create the necessary mini-ecosystem for even that is a load of work for someone :(

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