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So.... standalone weapon models...


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It's been atleast 2 different people uploading new weapons (AK-2047 vs AK-47).


Could anyone share a general idea of how to do it? I digged very little and I think they export their model to NIF using a 3DS Max plugin? I don't know, when I open the ESPs in FO4Edit, there are alot of hex lines that I don't know how to deal with.


Anyone knows how to do it?

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It's been atleast 2 different people uploading new weapons (AK-2047 vs AK-47).


Could anyone share a general idea of how to do it? I digged very little and I think they export their model to NIF using a 3DS Max plugin? I don't know, when I open the ESPs in FO4Edit, there are a lot of hex lines that I don't know how to deal with.


Anyone knows how to do it?

I don't know how the exporting works other than 3ds max and nifskope idea, but the hex values is just standard crap in fo4edit. If you get the models working all you do is copy record of an old weapon, attachment and mods, then rename them and set up things your way so everything fits. No hex editing science or anything.

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It's been atleast 2 different people uploading new weapons (AK-2047 vs AK-47).


Could anyone share a general idea of how to do it? I digged very little and I think they export their model to NIF using a 3DS Max plugin? I don't know, when I open the ESPs in FO4Edit, there are a lot of hex lines that I don't know how to deal with.


Anyone knows how to do it?


Now there are three :).


M92SE Standalone Pistol with Tactical Flashlights



(just allow me to do some ads. before sharing my finding)


About the hex code, below is the "010 editor" template file I used to edit them in FO4Edit. (I just copy the record to the editor, and paste back after modified).

If you don't have that editor, you can still modify the value via FO4Edit, since it at least discloses the OBTS structure in the weap record.

typedef struct {
        int ref1;
        short uk1;
        byte uk2;
} ItemRec <format=hex, read=read_ItemRec, write=write_ItemRec>; 

string read_ItemRec( ItemRec &item ) {
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "REF[%08X] %X  %X", item.ref1, item.uk1, item.uk2);
    return s;

struct OBTS {
    int cnt;
    int uk1_0000;
    int uk2_0000;
    short uk3_FF;
    byte uk_4;
    byte scnt_2;
    if (scnt_2 == 0) {
        short uk_6;
    struct {
        short uk7;    
        int uk8;
    } sub2[scnt_2];
    ItemRec item[cnt];

the "ref1" in ItemRec strcture just indicates which weap modules are used to assemble the weapon. It should be "weapon modification" ID,


mm... editing the hex is maybe 10% work to create a standalone weapon....but it's the most secret part before GECK is out.


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It's been atleast 2 different people uploading new weapons (AK-2047 vs AK-47).


Could anyone share a general idea of how to do it? I digged very little and I think they export their model to NIF using a 3DS Max plugin? I don't know, when I open the ESPs in FO4Edit, there are a lot of hex lines that I don't know how to deal with.


Anyone knows how to do it?


Now there are three :smile:.


M92SE Standalone Pistol with Tactical Flashlights



(just allow me to do some ads. before sharing my finding)


About the hex code, below is the "010 editor" template file I used to edit them in FO4Edit. (I just copy the record to the editor, and paste back after modified).

If you don't have that editor, you can still modify the value via FO4Edit, since it at least discloses the OBTS structure in the weap record.

typedef struct {
        int ref1;
        short uk1;
        byte uk2;
} ItemRec <format=hex, read=read_ItemRec, write=write_ItemRec>; 

string read_ItemRec( ItemRec &item ) {
    string s;
    SPrintf(s, "REF[%08X] %X  %X", item.ref1, item.uk1, item.uk2);
    return s;

struct OBTS {
    int cnt;
    int uk1_0000;
    int uk2_0000;
    short uk3_FF;
    byte uk_4;
    byte scnt_2;
    if (scnt_2 == 0) {
        short uk_6;
    struct {
        short uk7;    
        int uk8;
    } sub2[scnt_2];
    ItemRec item[cnt];

the "ref1" in ItemRec strcture just indicates which weap modules are used to assemble the weapon. It should be "weapon modification" ID,


mm... editing the hex is maybe 10% work to create a standalone weapon....but it's the most secret part before GECK is out.




Yeah, found it out today and downloaded. Nice work man!


But let me take it slowly. I spent some hours taking a bolt action rifle model and splitting it to 4 different models:


* Stock: Basically the main rifle body from the stock itself to the point where the barrel goes out.

* Barrel: Basically completes the Stock - it's a barrel!

* Reciever: The trigger and it's grip - and with a space (this is where the stock fits) - the bolt action reciever.


I resized all models to fit the parts of the Hunting Rifle:


* Resized the reciever accordingly so both triggers fit (my model's and the hunting rifle's).

* Used the resize proportions on all other models and fitted them with the according part of the hunting rifle.


Last but not least, I exported my models to *.nif with the 3DS Max plugin. So I opened the NIFs up and compared them to the Hunting Rifle's.


Looks like the HR is clusterf*#@ed with data in comparison with my models which isn't really anything.



It also seems like my reciever is rotated upwards.


Any help on how to proceed from here?

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Wow, where in FO4Edit there is space to edit code like that?

Btw, I love your new weapon. I want to suggest you consider a laser sight too. If you can find the hex value that controls how narrow the light is and how far it casts, you can make a tactical beam. Maybe tricky part is to line it up correctly with your sight. Since most of us play with the certain dot sight, laser sight is technically not needed. But it will look great when NPC and companions use it.

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Sadly, I have been infected with CryptoWall 4.0 and lost all these files in the process of system restoration (because who the f*#@ is going to pay 700$ to some fat ass nerd behind a screen who sits in a shack in taiwan with the wife he bought online with the money of poor people who actually pay for these things).


f*** all of those who do that s***.


I might get back to modelling weapons once CK comes it so it will be easier.

Edited by StanleyWasHappy
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After you resized the model what indicates where the weapon will be put in hand?

Is it the point of origin, a helper, or something else? I never implemented custom guns just asking because im curious.

Stanley dont spend too much time on youporn :laugh:

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After you resized the model what indicates where the weapon will be put in hand?

Is it the point of origin, a helper, or something else? I never implemented custom guns just asking because im curious.

Stanley dont spend too much time on youporn :laugh:

I didn't get to ingame implementation and I might come back for FO4 when CK is out. For now, I got into Unreal Engine and general game development, I don't need to ask people how to import a gun into the game because I make the weapon system myself :P.


Never been to youporn, pornhub all the way!

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Ah k. Well i dont know what is most common, but i think i would always prefer helpers for positioning. Also a good way to scale it directly. I should realy do more modeling import on my own.

Last time i worked on some projects others did all the implementation, i just created, animated and texturized models myself. My friends work with unity engine but i started with some UE4 basics. Unfortunately i wasnt able to spend so much time with it yet.

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