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Having issues with trees on Construction Set


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Okay, so I've been trying to mod, not for serious uploads (I doubt anything I'm making will interest anyone anyways), but for leisure and I've downloaded a mod called "Lush and Gaudy landscapes" I'm not sure if it's this mod that's screwing up the textures, but everytime I try placing a tree, I find that its not that same tree, the leaves have been changed. I do believe its Deodars leaves that have been placed for every tree but it has a couple of leaves with a brownish-red tint. So, I figured that the leaves were changed when I tried planting down a Weeping Willow and got an Oak Tree-like thing, I tried planting a few different trees and noticed that the leaf types were the same. Did I do something wrong? Edited by k0pk3rk0
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Lush and Gaudy Landscapes changes all (or most) of the tree billboards and meshes. You didn't do anything wrong.
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so how do I fix this? I downloaded the updates and it seems she hasn't fixed the weeping willow bug. -_- I assume I have to install and uninstall Oblivion?
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