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Super Crit mod (normal crits in and out of vats but fill "super crit" meter)


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There are a few mods making crits happen outside of vats as well as just crit tweaks in general. The issue is it disables the crit meter, or stops it from filling.

I would like to see a mod that makes crits happen like the previous titles, but each successful crit would slightly fill the crit meter for a "Super crit" that is 2-3 times a normal crit. I imagine it taking about 50-100 enemies to fill a super cit.

This also allows the crit meter based perks to remain useful and effective, they simply affect the super crit now.

Maybe the super crit damage could be based on special status, or even affected by perks, like critical banker could also let you choose to use all your Super crits at once.

Edited by AishaLove
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