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Where have all the good mod managers gone?


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Every mod manager I've tried has some sort of obstacle to ease of use.


Mod Organizer: Doesn't load in obse plugins correctly, they need to be manually installed, it's a real pain especially when mod authors don't specify there is an obse component to their mods.

I need the profile system so that's why i'm using it.


Nexus mod manager: What is with the startup time on this? With any sizable mod collection your lucky to even open this turd software to use it.

If their implementation of profiles allows easy installation of obse mods then i'm all for it.


Wrye Bash: No profiles, and far to much information for someone who just wants to install and play. Mod organizer has a much more refined ui.


Obmm: No profiles, and i'm not even sure how to go about installing a mod that isn't packaged in their outdated proprietary format, it's probably safe to check this one off the list for good.


If anyone knows of an alternative mod manager with profile support, obse plugin installation, a clean ui, and no glaring issues then I would love to hear about.

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Just tried Tes mod manager. Yikes! I sat there with the enter key held to auto close the error messages as the program tried ( and very much failed) to load in my existing mod archives. It filtered out an unbelievable amount of perfectly good mods.


At this point I think i'll just settle for wrye bash and pray that it works properly without any required hand holding for basic mod installation. I'll just need to manually back up the data and saves folders for profiles I guess.

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Those are the mod managers we used for Oblivion nearly 10 years ago. MO was designed specifically for Skyrim and they added Oblivion later.


Here is one that does do profiles. It wasn't as popular, and I never used it ( I wrote my own profile swapper using Batch files back in 2007)



And still another. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35263/?


OBMM is probably the best of the lot and it can be used alongside of MOM. OBMM doesn't do profiles and that is all MOM does. That OBMM 'proprietary' OMOD format was designed to be used with Oblivion and works very well. It has built in automatic conversion, but it isn't even required to use OBMM. OBMM doesn't do auto installs either, but none of the old managers did. You will have to actually download manually.


Wrye Bash can be used alongside both OBMM and MOM. But it is more technical and has a steeper learning curve. It has a lot of different functions that other managers don't have.


People now are spoiled by NMM with it's built in download and install. :tongue:

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I'm just using wrye bash for now, it may be more technical but it's the only manager that just works, without performance issues.

Not only did Tes mod manager not load in all my mods, it actually completed deleted the mods I had downloaded from tes nexus that it deemed "incompatible". What a steaming pile of $#!%.

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Save profiles only, so it doesn't do the same job as the others with keeping more than one mod list for different characters. Before I started using Wrye Bash I used MOM to keep multiple characters separate, each with different load orders, and it effortlessly allowed changing profiles/characters. After I started using WB I didn't have any luck getting it to work alongside Wrye.

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