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lost cd key


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Well i have a LEGAL copy of Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2, it came wit my motherboard in one of those flismy paper cases, and about a month ago i threw out this paper case forgetting that the all important cd key was on it, so what i was wondering is there anyway i can get a new LEGAL cd key without having to purchase a whole new game
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If you still have it installed, there might be a way to read it. I know there is with MS Office products but I don't know about games (they may not store the key anywhere...might just be during the initial install...just don't know)
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Yeah I did the same for a different game and ended up having to get a new copy! I have never lost a game or cd key for that matter since, almost 6 years now!
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I keep all my CD-Keys in a database...all the way back to Win95. It used to be just in a text file, then a spreadsheet and now in a password-protected program called KeePass


Well, you're stuck talking to tech support or just buying a new one.

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