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I'm modding up Skyrim


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So I bought Legendary edition and went on a huge tracking spree. Despite being a quick learner, I'm still pretty new to modding, so here I am looking for assistance.

My computer is brand-spanking new with an HD monitor, but not really a monster. It can run League of Legends like a dream (Ultra 300+ FPS), standard Warframe (settings irk me on that game), Fallout 4 with medium-duty mods on almost-Ultra (Shadows, man). This is reference for performance, since I expect the texture and animation mods to have issues.

I need to address a couple of compatibility concerns, since well... I'm pretty late to this party and some mod authors likely won't have timely responses and it's easier to keep all of my questions in one place.


It should be obvious that I will use the standard mods like SKSE and SkyUI (Do I have to mention NMM?), as well as any required mod or patch for the ones I'm installing - but the largest mods I'm using are SkyRe (and all included mods), Frostfall (no SkyRe Survival node) Invested Magic, Audio Overhaul 2, The Ruffled Feather, JK's Skyrim, Open Cities, Bring Out Your Dead, Interesting NPCs, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Sleep Tight, Immersive Creatures, Wintermyst Enchantments, Realistic Lighting Overhaul, Trade Routes, Harvest Overhaul, SMIM, Diseased, Locational Damage,


Using Dual Sheath Redux, it recommends Immersive Animations. There's not many videos showcasing it in action, so I have no idea what to really expect from it. I would prefer to get Enhanced Animations, so: compatibility? Will Bowlegged Jump Fix be needed? Do I have to give up on Belt-Fastened Quivers? I plan on overwriting with New Magic Animations.


I found this mod Size Does Not Matter, but there's also Player Size Adjuster. Can someone full explain to me the nature of these mods?


Will Sleeping Innkeepers conflict with Interesting NPCs or Sleep Tight? Will A Place to Sleep be affected by any of them?


I want to use Skyrim 2K, so how much do I have to worry about using other texture mods: Realistic Waters 2, Natural Spider Webs, Distant Decal Lod, Realistic Smoke and Embers, and Finer Dust?


What are the best "feminine mods"? I want something that people can walk in on without me feeling like I have to explain myself. I'm planning on using the Gender Animation Fix.


How does Dynamic TimeScale affect Living Takes Time?


Help me understand Climates of Tamriel and how it will affect Frostfall and any texture and/or lighting mods.


Oh, and there's this Steam Workshop mod: Alchemy Extended. Do I have to worry about the fact it didn't come from Nexus?


As you can tell by this pool of mods, I prefer mods that fall in line with GEMS and STEPS - mods that improve upon or fix Skyrim with a focus on immersion and balance. I would greatly appreciate suggestions.

Edited by 0rigamiPhoenix
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I dont think sleeping inn keepers conflicts with interesting npcs, but keep in mind open cities causes huge fps losses, so does jk cities so if your having issues get expanded towns and cities and get the dawn series for cities.


Skyrim 2k does not touch things like smoke, dust but maybe embers but if you use mo loot will sort it for you and make sure you look into making a patch with wyre basch.


I am fairly sure immersive animations conflict with enchanced as some of them do the same things, you do not need any water mod with the ruffled feather as it comes with one.


Steamwork shop can be buggy but since its one mod it might be ok.


Also im fairly sure climates has an expanded snow system for frostfall or something however I think realistic lighting overhaul has a conflict with climates so you may want to check that.

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I dont think sleeping inn keepers conflicts with interesting npcs, but keep in mind open cities causes huge fps losses, so does jk cities so if your having issues get expanded towns and cities and get the dawn series for cities.


Skyrim 2k does not touch things like smoke, dust but maybe embers but if you use mo loot will sort it for you and make sure you look into making a patch with wyre basch.


I am fairly sure immersive animations conflict with enchanced as some of them do the same things, you do not need any water mod with the ruffled feather as it comes with one.


Steamwork shop can be buggy but since its one mod it might be ok.


Also im fairly sure climates has an expanded snow system for frostfall or something however I think realistic lighting overhaul has a conflict with climates so you may want to check that.


Thanks. I guess that means I won't be using Climates. Does anyone know of other weather mods that would fit the bill?


I also did not intend on using Immersive Animations. I want Enhanced animations, but there was no mention of compatibility between it and Dual Sheath Redux.

Edited by 0rigamiPhoenix
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I've come across issues.


I need to know if Clothing and Clutter Fixes + Weapons and Armor Fixes conflict with SkyRe.


Swift Potion Reborn requires JContainers, but the data files like 'scripts\JArray.pex' are already present from VioLens. Does this mean that they are not compatible?


Is JK's Skyrim compatible with Open Cities? Alternative Crafting System with Complete Crafting Overhaul?

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I would not recommend NMM. Even to a beginner. It's worth learning MO, you'll end up switching to it later if you don't. And then you'll have a whole mod list to move. There are many great and easy startup guides on it and it helps you control a lot more of what goes on in your mods, not to mention prevents some mistakes that are easy to make with NMM (hitting "yes to all" to overwrite?) and makes everything much EASIER, contrary to popular belief. Fully a quarter of questions I've answered have been people screwing stuff up in NMM that could be avoided or easily reversed in MO.


Check the compatibility patches for JK's Skyrim, I believe it needs a patch with OCS.


Lots of mods use JContainers, it's probably safe to overwrite, most likely the authors just wanted to package it with the mod because users can be dumb and not grab the requirements even if you put a pop up window about it.


Those crafting mods are fine (I personally used honed steel instead of alternative crafting but they're very similar and I have no issues with CCOR).


There is NO conflict with RLO and CoT.


Use LPSleep instead of one of the older ones (immersive beds, see you sleep, sleep tight).


Do NOT use Locational Damage. Just don't. Ever. It's been known to cause severe issues for years, used to be very popular, but no one would recommend it. The popular combat mods have a scaled back version of locational damage (headshots) but they have their own issues with save bloat. Here's what I use instead and more about that. Which is more heavy script for this combat mods? - Skyrim Mod Talk - The Nexus Forums


Your animation mods: No conflict there will break anything, the only thing that could happen is one will overwrite the other. Experiment with it, change the order around all you want, it's safe to do on a save, etc. As long as it's a replacer it's basically just a mesh, think of it like changing out textures. If it has an .esp or uses FNIS that's a different story but that's not the ones you're talking about. DSR doesn't require immersive animations, it's just a suggestion, use your own judgement.


"Feminine" mods are at least half the Nexus. Have you looked around?


If by "worry about" your texture mods you mean FPS loss no one can tell without at least a rough idea of your specs, but OCS is extremely rough on FPS and if you run a lot of textures they'll be loading more without the separate cells/load screens for cities (where all the STUFF is) so it could build up quickly, especially when you throw in an overhaul that adds a ton of clutter-- ANNNND JK's is the heavier of the two popular options. You say it's brand new but that's a literal assload of HD textures. Some people pull it off, but... As far as conflicts, like the animations, in case of a conflict one will just overwrite the other, feel free to switch out textures any time (as long as they don't have an .esp).


Mixing Workshop and Nexus downloads is a bad idea, I'm told, but I don't do it because screw Steam so I can't say for sure. I also don't use SkyRe but if you check the page I'm positive it'll say something about WAF and CCF if there is an issue, they're all very popular and they'd hear that question a lot.


Also a lot of your questions are answered on the mod pages, just FYI.

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