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FOMM and FOOK -and- CUBE Help?!


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Hey everyone, just wondering if there were some people out there who could help me, I'm having some trouble with some mods that i have installed, first of, FOOK2 doesnt seem to wrk well, i have it installed but a lot of the meshes seem to be missing because whenever i look at something it added i just get a big red and white ! mark where it should be, i copied everything into the \Data folder of my Fallout 3 Directory, and with CUBE when i open the door to the second room with the robot generator in the centre, (just after you teleport into some previously) my game always crashes. anyone out there have any suggestions?

My Load Order:








FOOK2 - Main.esm

FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit. esm

FOOK2 - Main.esp

FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit. esp


so yeah, any help would be awesome

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You might want to try looking at your data directory again, see if everything is where it should be. A red ! usually means FO3 can't find the meshes.

Also, what program do you use to manage your mods? FoMM? If so, you might want to check whether archiveinvalidation is turned on.


Don't know about FOOK 2 though so I can't help with that...

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