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.bsa files & LOD


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Does anybody know the code/flag you need to set in BSA Commander to indicate that .cmp and .lod files are present in a .bsa archive?


Also, anyone know why the distant LOD setup I'm using ("almost everything visible when distant", plus "far and away enhanced 3d distant land textures" on top of QTP3 + QTP3 patch 1.3) display black textures at some viewing angles and proper textures at others? (see attachments, only difference between the shots is horizontal angle of the camera) The black textures only happen on architecture, not the land.


Note that I'm currently loading all the distant LOD stuff from the data folder, but I want to place it all in a .bsa archive (did that for qarls TP and other things and it works brilliantly).


edit: the exact filename of the mod is "Almost_Everything_VWD-7705.7z" and it has a date of 26/9/2007 on it, if that helps at all.





Edited by oblivionpilgrim
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Okay, some reading in another VWD mod indicates that black textures are the result of using Bloom instead of HDR or plain rendering.


I do use Bloom, mainly because I find it looks the best of the 3 rendering modes. HDR mode is ridiculously overbright and washed out.


Can somebody point me to information on how to set up HDR parameters to make it look like bloom?

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I found the same thing you did when I tried HDR (plus I thought the contrast was bumped up enough to lose details in the shadows, especially of faces indoors). I don't use any LOD mods or the like. I'm on an SLIed NVIDIA 8800GTS setup ... anything similar there? I know Hickory says he wouldn't touch Bloom with a Kajhiit's tail, maybe he'll pipe in with something.
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HDR is ridiculous, what with the "eye adjustments" (trust me, my eyes don't work like that in real life unless something is blindingly bright to begin with. Look down at the glowing white road, watch it fade to normal. Look up, around, back down at the road. Oh, its glowing again!


And what about the radioactive cement around the sewer tunnel you emerge from or the broken crate on the nearby jetty that glows all by itself when you approach it?


This is realism? I think not!

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