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Kind of... Resurrecting problem.


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Well, I'd like to make some quest in CS, but I don't know how.

The basic plotline is like that: our PC sleeps in bed in Lucien's fort (after his death - this quest would be about Lucien's resurrection), and then Sithis lefts the note on the table. Note is just described way of resurrecting someone. Then the PC goes to his grave ( from this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11109), touches it - and TADAAAH, Lucien is alive! Dumb, but alive and grateful.

I have all scripts, etc, for this first part, but I TOTALLY don't know, how to do this second part, with resurrecting. :S I have no experience in writing scripts, so I'll be grateful for any help.

And YES, I KNOW about this mod, that resurrects Lucien and places him in Cheydinhal - but guys, please. I am teenage girl and I need more EMOTIONS in Lucien's plot... xD

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Lucien Lachance is two NPCs in three places in the game. I am not really sure when which ones are used for what. So your best bet would be to copy one of them with a new form ID and add another Lucien Lachance NPC to the game.


You would place him next to the grave that you touch. Make him a persistent reference and initially disabled. Give him a reference ID. For my example I will name him AADBLucienRevivedREF. When you touch the grave, you can have a line of code like the following execute in one of your scripts:




But if you take this approach, then your new NPC won't use any of Lucien's original voiced dialog. You could go to the quests and change the conditions so that both new Lucian and old Lucian use the dialog infos you want at the proper times. Otherwise, you might analyze the three Luciens and figure out which one of them you want to resurrect, and obtain his reference ID. Then you could include a line of code in your scripts for when you touch the grave that would be sort of like:


LucienLachanceMurderRef.MoveTo AADBMyXMarkerIAddedByTheGrave

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Don't forget to locate and disable the dead Lucien who is one of the game's persistent (never goes away by itself) bodies. Edited by Striker879
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