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Armor Skin request


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I am requesting a mod to power armor that is a basic "Marine" T-shirt style sort of thing.

​USMC across the chest, some EGA's or Rank on the shoulders, that sort of thing.
​I know this sounds insanely generalized but I am not a Modder so the lingo is not yet in my vocab.

​What I had in mind was something similar to the "decal" look of the Space Marine sets, except all the logos would be of the U.S.M.C.

​If anyone out there has an eye for the impossible, Dress Blues would be nice as well.

​Second set idea was Judge Dredd. The movie "Dredd" seems to be the better pick in that regard, seems like the heavy combat armor is pretty damn close to it already.


​Those are my suggestions/requests.

​Look forward to seeing someone answer the call, and thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sounds like a fun idea and very immersive with the male sole survivor's military background so I'll give this a try for you. I'm quite new to modding fallout so I can't guarantee the best results, but I'm more than happy to make the attempt. Just a couple of details that'd help to know.


Is there a particular set of power armor that you'd prefer to have this on? Each type of power armor has a different shape and so needs to be retextured individually.

What rank should the sole survivor be?

Should I add medals to the chest of the Dress Blue uniform power armor?


While I'm working on this (might take a few days to get good results), there's the USMC-style Hexo-Flage X-01 Power Armor paint set by Dominic2005 which might be close to what you're looking for.



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If this is true how are any mods being made at all?

My point exactly... and by no means am I knocking how hard all this stuff must be, I just a little bummed when the answer to the question on the forum in general say "wait for GECK" when obviously people are pumping them out left right and center

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Or if you don't have 10 years to spend, you can figure the basic idea behind retexturing in 2 hours and making standalone things in 2 days, even less if you have enough interest and curiosity.



​I like the X-01 for armor type


​And the hexo's are great and all...

​But I was thinking more simple


​Something like the space Marine sets, except USMC or MARINES across the chest rather than the crested falcon. EGA's or Ranks on the shoulders. EGA's on the knees... like.... literally wearing a Marine T-shirt style on your armor.


​Colors could be black or Navy Blue. or for that touch of something extra, Black tops, Navy Blue legs with a red blood stripe...


​Red piping of course... because.... duh... hell... not sure how possible, but maybe even EGA's on the eyes.


​I'm not wanting the camo patterns, which are great, I'm just wanting some "in your face motard" kinda stuff

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This sounds like a fun idea and very immersive with the male sole survivor's military background so I'll give this a try for you. I'm quite new to modding fallout so I can't guarantee the best results, but I'm more than happy to make the attempt. Just a couple of details that'd help to know.


Is there a particular set of power armor that you'd prefer to have this on? Each type of power armor has a different shape and so needs to be retextured individually.

What rank should the sole survivor be?

Should I add medals to the chest of the Dress Blue uniform power armor?


While I'm working on this (might take a few days to get good results), there's the USMC-style Hexo-Flage X-01 Power Armor paint set by Dominic2005 which might be close to what you're looking for.




​I like the X-01 for armor type


​And the hexo's are great and all...

​But I was thinking more simple


​Something like the space Marine sets, except USMC or MARINES across the chest rather than the crested falcon. EGA's or Ranks on the shoulders. EGA's on the knees... like.... literally wearing a Marine T-shirt style on your armor.


​Colors could be black or Navy Blue. or for that touch of something extra, Black tops, Navy Blue legs with a red blood stripe...


​Red piping of course... because.... duh... hell... not sure how possible, but maybe even EGA's on the eyes.


​I'm not wanting the camo patterns, which are great, I'm just wanting some "in your face motard" kinda stuff


​Now... if you wanna add Rank... I'm a bit partial to Sgt myself


Now, even if this never works till GECK... THANK YOU

Edited by SgtKUSMC
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