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HGEC "Vest" Armor


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I am looking for HGEC armor that sort of resembles a type of vest. Confusing yes, i know but what I have in mind is something like a male version pictured below


Nothing modest but not too revealing as well. This isn't a request for a new mod, I just can't find anything that looks like what I am looking for. If you have seen anything that might look like the picture above (but a female version of course), please leave a link! Thanks!


P.S. Mainly something that shows the sides of the breasts and covers the body to the waist, but nothing completely revealing is what im looking for. Also if there is something resembeling this in a mod compilation, that works for me too.

Edited by kingtitan
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I looked through it and while it definently has some excellent work, im not sure it is what im looking for. Or at least nothing in the compilation is around the sort that I am looking for. But striker, thanks for trying. Kudos for you.


Anyone else that wants kudos, just tell me if you know of anything that is similar to what I am looking for! Thanks!

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LOL ... the old "Will work for kudos" eh? No problem, I didn't think they were exactly what you were describing. If I run across any others I'll work for kudos already given. :teehee:
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Thank you! I appreciate that. However, I am about to look into installing BBB so that might add to the choices. Problem now is, I'm not sure which mods to get since there are so many in order to get the BBB animations to work.
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If the HGEC body you are currently using doesn't support BBB, you could try Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB v1dot11 (an OMOD installation that allows you to choose bust and bottom size). For a BBB enabled skeleton you can go with Coronerras' Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and then get better textures for the HGEC body with Ozmo's High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC (and then use Talonvore's excellent guide for installing them). When you wear clothing or armor, the clothing/armor becomes the part of your body (which is why BBB enabled clothing is required if you want to see movement). I don't want all the ladies to be looking the same, so I use a selection from Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock (somehow, BBBed beggars doesn't appeal). For the same reason I don't use much in the way of armor replacers (just a non-BBBed steel replacer for better appearance and textures) and stick with the myriad of unique armors. Good luck. :thumbsup:
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Ok, not going to lie that is extremely helpful. I have been extremely confused on which mods to download and install in order to get BBB. But I'm thinking that will most certainly help. And by the way I found a "Iron Redux" mod that at least partially achieves what I was looking for. Ill post a screenie here in just a bit. I was looking for something maybe just a touch more revealing, but on the bright side, it looks pretty good and is BBB enabled :) And striker, thanks for helping me with BBB, and this vest stuff.
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Here are three shots from the original mod page. Again, not completely what I am looking for, but hey it works.





Bear in mind these are not my shots.

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Once you get everything so the bouncy parts bounce, have a look at Saaya's BBB Complilation. There are different bust sizes represented, and not all are availble in more than one size, but the way it works with the clothing/armor becoming your body you'll just see different sizes according to what's being worn (I use that aspect in my 'diversification project'). You need to follow the links in the mod description and download and install the original of any you choose, then overwrite using the BBBed version. Not at all hard once you get your head around it. Most are skimpier styles, and the BBB weighting is near perfect.


You'll also find some links to BBBed animations in Saaya's mod description. I recommend fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer and use portions of some of the others in my own 'home rolled' mods (all part of the big variety is good project). Once you go BBB your bandwidth usage will skyrocket, believe me.

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Ok that sounds really good and all except I have run into a minor problem. I downloaded the HGEC BBB mod that you recomended (in omod ready format and everything). However, when I try to install it via OBMM, it tells me I am running the program as a limited user and therefore cannot install mods. If I have the program open as an administrator and then click on the file, nothing happens (when i downloaded it, i went ahead and saved it to a temporary location). Is there a way to run OBMM as an administrator at all times? Or at least how can i fix this issue...
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