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HGEC "Vest" Armor


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I hope this does not sound arrogant (as it is not intended that way) but i figured out all that last night :) Basically, like you said, I figured out that any time the OMOD is installed (deactivated and then re activated, and im usually a manual installer, OMOD's are completely new to me) the OMOD's default animation files go back into the mesh folder. All I had to do if i decided to change the body type was overwrite the walkforward.kf animation file with the one from NoMaam's animation list, which fixed the girly walk for everyone while still managing to keep BBB animation. More importantly, Im just glad that I found NoMaam's animation and that those animations use BBB without looking gay for the guys. Maybe a little more bounce than reality, but definently not an issue in my book :). I still haven't gotten a chance to try out every animation in NoMaam's "mod" (quotations since there is no activatable .esp, only a compilation of files) but I am most certainly looking forward to being able to play around with the animation stuff to see what I like the best. So, I guess as far as your comparison goes, I'm a natural born swimmer!! A little frustration at the beginning, but honestly this is the most (and best) direction i've gotten as far as BBB goes. Plus I got what I think is pretty dang close to what I was looking for in the armor, and the author was a genius seeing as he weighted the armor for BBB. A double bonus if you ask me.

ROTFLMAO ... just a sec while I clear the tears from my eyes.


You are perfectly right that every time you deactivate the OMOD to reactivate it and try a different option it overwrites your currently installed animation .kf files if they're named the same. What I do is after I've done the reactivate the OMOD I reinstall all of NoMaaM (fore's work is my favourite too). The OMOD has some options for more bouncy or less bouncy in some cup sizes. If you select the less bouncy version and then couple it with NoMaaM you get less 'action' than if you select the bouncy OMOD option and then install NoMaaM. Trying all the different combinations out you'll be an expert, and will be the guy at the end of the dock giving lessons.


On a side note I'd like to thank you for something you've done for me. I always say I don't learn squat from being right ... my mistakes are my most valued possession. The mental exercise your problems offered me lead to some new tricks (with OBMM) and cemented some relationships between the OMOD installation and other animation replacers in my mind. I would not have fully ventured down that path without your questions and problems. Thanks for letting me 'borrow' some of your valuables.

Edited by Striker879
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Besides Sayaa's Comp., are there any other good BBB armor/clothing mods out there (preferably not replacers or anything like that unless it is absolute fantastic work)? I would like to get my hands on them, and sometimes suggestion is faster than browsing.


P.S. - Striker, I found the H-Cup version of the BBB Iron armor redux. Epic Win.

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They aren't BBBed as far as I know (but I haven't searched for BBBed updates for it yet) but I just got the complete Ivy Armor by Ozmo. You think dragging all the loot from a large Oblivion plane is heavy, or Rockmilk Cave. There are so many colour and style variants I won't ever get around to every last one. If I can find a BBB update it will be very close to the top of my favs list. Ambassador of Darkness by Eyren and GrimReaperCalls has BBBed versions available (linked, you need the original as well which is linked on the link), but I have to admit that's one of my 'downloaded but didn't get around to installing yets'. There are a number of 'armors' that have all the appearance of clothing (as you probably saw going through Saaya's compilation). I've a few of them but they don't get much use. I will admit that in most of my houses and towns a lot of the girls seem to have misplaced a lot of their inventory (no idea how that could have happened :whistling: ) so sometimes 'downloaded and installed' doesn't mean getting used.


I wondered if you'd notice the Iron armor on Saaya's page ... thought I'd leave you to find it, or I'd chide you on your eyesight. :biggrin:


Edit: Consistent with my 'download and not install' I ran across GrimReaperCalls BBB For Ivy Armor already sitting on my HD. Only two of the black variants are done ... I don't blame him for not doing all of them (would take a year). Installing and testing now!

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Well, after going through sayaa's list, i found at least four replacers for armor that i already had. I probably will do some more exploring through BBB stuff to see what I like. I'm really glad I finally got BBB installed tho.
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The Ivy Armor BBBed is nice, but as I said above only the black variants are BBBed. I would still advise taking a 'pack mule' companion along when you pick it up ... lots to carry. Another one I forgot I had installed is Dark Mistress by Bronson, BBBed by irakika (I have stuff tucked away in chests I've forgotten I had ... time for a spring cleaning, maybe a yard sale if the weather improves). :biggrin:


Edit: Finally tracked down where I left the Dark Mistress ... it's a good one too, comes in clothes and armor version of each variant.

Edited by Striker879
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