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Quest Dialogue Doesn't Show Up In Game


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I've begun work on a mod adding a new quest line, and I've completed the first quest, except that none of the dialogue options I made for it show up when you talk to the npc I made.


The only two conditions connected to the dialogue topic I made are one restricting it to my npc and another making sure you're on the correct stage of the quest. I've tried it without either of these and on other npc's, and nothing.


The only files I'm loading in creation kit are Skyrim.esm and the .esp for my mod, which is set as the active file. I am not loading update.esm or any dlcs


here is the quest data tab for the quest I made




This is the topic info for the topic I made




I can also add screenshots of the response info for the same topic above and the character info for the npc i made if anyone thinks its necessary.


Its worth mentioning I made this following fairly closely to the tutorial on the creation kit website.




There are 5 more topics connected to this one, following after, all linked to the same npc, and with no additional conditions. One of these has a piece of script attached which changes the quest stage once you've completed the conversation.





Please tell me if there's any more information you need that could be relevant, I really appreciate anyone taking a look at my problem. Thank you all.


Update: I tried experimenting with quest dialogue using trial and error, i'v narrowed the problem down to being within the quest itself, i tested a new dialogue branch on a new npc but in an old quest, but the second i try it again in a new quest it doesn't work, what could i be doing wrong?

Edited by Brave20141
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  On 1/20/2016 at 12:28 PM, skinnytecboy said:

Just checking;


Have you generated a new seq file?


Are you testing from a save file that existed prior to the creation of your second quest?

No I havn't generated a new seq file, but i also am no longer running it from start, am i correct in thinking you only need to do that if running the quest from the start?


Also the save file did exist prior to the creation of my second quest, do you think that could be an issue, given that everything else about it has worked?


thank you very much for the response

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Rule of thumb:


Whenever you change anything in dialogue views, you'll need to regenerate seq.


If you make drastic changes (scenes, new content) you should test from a clean save.


Just gen/create seq.

Then load up a save prior to your mod.

In console type: Setstage myquestname 10 (or whatever stage you're testing)

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  On 1/20/2016 at 12:37 PM, Brave20141 said:


  On 1/20/2016 at 12:28 PM, skinnytecboy said:

Just checking;


Have you generated a new seq file?


Are you testing from a save file that existed prior to the creation of your second quest?

No I havn't generated a new seq file, but i also am no longer running it from start, am i correct in thinking you only need to do that if running the quest from the start?


Also the save file did exist prior to the creation of my second quest, do you think that could be an issue, given that everything else about it has worked?


thank you very much for the response


Aside from what skinnytecboy said, if the dialogue starts at stage 10 change the operators in the setstage condition to <=. Also if you are not using a start game enabled quest and using the courier system, story manager, or some other trigger to start your quest there is no need for an SEQ file. If you use TES5Edit to generate the SEQ, it will tell you whether or not you really need one.

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  On 1/20/2016 at 4:03 PM, Brave20141 said:

So let's say for now I trigger my quest just by using the console to set the stage to zero, will I need the seq file?

If it is a start enabled quest then yes. Also you are testing with a save that has not seen your mod before, and using the sqv console command after the quest has started,to make sure any and all quest aliases have filled. If the aliases have not filled, the dialogue will not start either. You can set all aliases to optional for testing to see which ones are not filling. One cause of them not filling is not setting the Persist Location for your aliases.

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  On 1/20/2016 at 5:18 PM, skinnytecboy said:

Sqv myquestname


Was already answered above for you :)


Oh sorry man didn't see that


Just one more time so we're one hundred percent sure I don't need the seq if it's not set to activate at the start?


Alright il test all that out when I get home to night and add an update. Thanks guys I really appreciate it.

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