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game keeps crashing on quicksave


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hey, new vegas is crashing all the time on quicksave its so annoying... i remeber i had this problem on fallout 3 and i killed my self and the problem was solved, but in nv its only temporary... i really dont know what to do anymore, any suggestions? please help.
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Maybe someone with more than my almost complete lack of technical know-how will chime in, but for what it's worth I used to have quite a few crashing problems with both FO3 and FONV. At times, the quicksave feature seemed to trigger the crashes. Installing the large address aware mod for FO3 pretty much cured that game. I was going to install the FONV version of that mod but, from what I understood from the user-comments it seemed to have a problem with NVSE. So in an almost desperate move (since I was more concerned with crashing than stuttering) I installed the New Vegas Stutter Remover mod and it made a huge difference in crash reduction. Not sure if that'll help, but might be worth a shot.
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  • 2 months later...
Try running the game without NVSE. I ran into problems with 100% reproducible crashes at Gomorrah with NVSE running and the only way I could leave the casino without crashing or save at all was by running FalloutNV directly and not NVSE. Once outside of The Strip, I saved successfully and was able to launch the game via NVSE again with no problems. Quicksaves and Autosaves were equally affected during this problem.
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  • 2 years later...

I am having the same problem... 3 years later... =( Darn Bethesda!

....and 3 years later the Answer is the same....


Turn off all auto save features. Including the hidden one in the Fallout Prefs.INI..."bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch=0"

While their check these are also turned off. 1= on , 0 = OFF

Don't use Quick save , Quick load. Always make New Hard saves.
How i play any Bethesda game....The first time i am able to Save the Game i do, I never overwrite this save. A few seconds later I save a NEW save, this save i will overwrite and continue playing. After overwriting this save for a few times i wait for an event, say its a level up, or Start of a new Quest, I (branch) make a new Save and continue on . After 12 levels, and 40 game hours I have 50 Saves All of which i could backtrack to and reverse any bad decision on my part...lol
Been playing for 3 hours without having saved, and want to go thru that door?...Save first...lol
Fresh new save = Hard save
Overwriting a save = Soft save
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