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I have made a new player object for my mod. Every thing works so far with the exception of dropping the object out of the player inventory. Instead of falling to the ground it just hangs in the air. This is a token type object. I am making a playable container like the sack of holding. The original object is the ArmorCombatHelmet. I replaced the Armor\CombatMelmetM_GO nif with a briefcase nif so it now looks like a brief case in the game world.


I have tried changing wieghts to no avail and I do not see any kind of setting for havoc other than the preview mode havoc sim. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mod works well so far except this glitch



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I have made a new player object for my mod. Every thing works so far with the exception of dropping the object out of the player inventory. Instead of falling to the ground it just hangs in the air. This is a token type object. I am making a playable container like the sack of holding. The original object is the ArmorCombatHelmet. I replaced the Armor\CombatMelmetM_GO nif with a briefcase nif so it now looks like a brief case in the game world.


I have tried changing wieghts to no avail and I do not see any kind of setting for havoc other than the preview mode havoc sim. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mod works well so far except this glitch




You'll need to change the havok physics with ether nifscope or, blender to get it to work the way you want, Fortunately for you, I've uploaded a modders resource for FO3 that contains a havok friendly version of the briefcase detonator. (which is also included in FNV, therefore your able to freely use it.) http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif


Chucks Havok Friendly Nif's



It lives in the office folder and, there are a lot more fun little things to play with. just double check the originals were included with FNV or you could get in trouble for using illegal assets. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif This Resorse was built for FO3 and some of the models are not allowed to be distributed in FNV mods.


Also, please remember to credit!


have fun! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif








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Edit: Well Edit of a sort! Every time I try to edit my post they go all "Cluster F***ed!" so, I'm posting again.


If you need any other simple objects converted to the Havok world feel free to PM a request. I've gotten quite good at converting statics into the Havok world and, it would be no trouble. 2, 3 min max not including the upload. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif



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WOO HOOO Thanks Chuck! and you to Tuna. I thought I was porked there for awhile. I checked out the saspirrilla and it was a no go. It appears that none of the container objects have any physics. I downloaded both Nif and blender last night. I have always wanted to at least get the simple basics for each program. Just got back from town and checked this thread and it made my day! Again thanks to both of you !


Yeah the briefcase stuff for FONV is in the BSA files . I do not think there would be a problem because you are modding already available content.

Edited by deu58
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Glad I could help,


Most of those nif's are legal for FNV mods, it's really just some of the toys that are not acceptable. For example the Liberty Prime nif can't be used because it was not included in FNV. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of this so, you wouldn't accidentally get yourself into trouble.


Have fun and, again if you need any help feel free to hit me up. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif



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