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Oblivion Mod Background Music Help


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I have recent made a script that allows you to play any custom music file and have it loop indefinitely.


One problem - If you save the game inside a cell with custom music, then quit the game and load the save, default music plays, and you have to leave the cell and re-enter to gwt the custom music to play.


Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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Does your script require the vanilla music to be enabled but not audible? The reason I ask is there is an Oblivion.ini tweak for shutting off the music. From Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide:

bMusicEnabled=1 - If set to 0, turns off all background music. This will detract from the atmosphere of the game, but can noticeably improve stuttering on some systems, as background music dynamically loads throughout the game.
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