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Known Textures Causing CTD's with the Beta Patch


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Here is a complied list of textures known to be causing CTD's with the 1.3 Beta Patch. (Now it's live, wish I could edit the topic )

Where it was posted, I have included the mods name, and the type of crash it caused, and where is applicable.

At this point, thanks to Steve40 we have a little more information to work with.


Gore Overhaul 3 caused CTDs for me when loading my last save, after having installed the 1.3 beta patch. I narrowed it down to two textures:

data\textures\gore\gorehumanhead_n.dds (this file is a ridiculous 21.8Mb in size - indicating a problem with the file format or compression - it appears to be RGB uncompressed)

data\textures\gore\gorebasebits_s.dds (5.5Mb in size, I have a image viewing program called DXTViewer - it cannot read this image, so it is somhow corrupted)

I fixed these two textures by loading them into Photoshop with the NVidia plugin and resaving them as 3DC files, with the option "use existing mipmaps" selected. Now I no longer get CTDs when loading my last save.

Also keep in mind these are not set in stone, some have also reported running some of these mods without any CTD's.

If you find a texture not listed here add it, and I will update the list accordingly.


You can remove these textures and still keep the mod active, just remember with the texture file removed anything that is associated with that texture will not render properly.


Mod: Eye's of Perfection

Texture: eyebrown_n.dds

Crash: Unable to load a save without CTD


Mod: Female Vaultsuit simple recolor-Black

Texture: vaultsuit111_d.dds

Crash: Unable to enter Powerarmor, and caused a CTD around the Malden area, and the Gunner skybridge near the Poseidon Reservoir.

Note: I was not wearing the vaultsuit at the time, it was stored away in Sanctuary


Mod: Post-Apocalyptic Walls for Sanctuary

Texture: roofmetal03_d.dds

Crash: CTD in cell where texture was rendered.

Note: Version that removes leaf litter.


Mod: Grafix Texture Overhaul

Texture: ToasterPreWar_d.dds

Texture: ToasterPreWar_n.dds

Texture: ToasterPrewar_s.dds

Crash: CTD when accessed from the workshop menu


Mod: Gore Overhaul

Texture: gorebasebits_s.dds

Texture: gorehumanhead_n.dds

Crash: Unable to load save. Also Random CTD's (Goodneighbour was mentioned, other area's likely )


Mod: FO4_Bishu Osafune

Texture: Not Specified


Mod: Grafix Texture Overhaul

Texture: Toaster_n.dds

Texture: Toaster_s.dds

Texture: Toaster.d.dds

Crash: Random CTD (probably when it had to be rendered in a cell) (The toaster from Big Mountain take's it's revenge lol)

Note: Normal and Spectural's maybe fine its the Diffuse file causing the CTD.


Mod: Pre-Apocalyptic Walls for Sanctuary

Texture: PAW with leaves (exact .dds file not mentioned)

Crash: CTD at Super Mutant Camp near Bunker Hill


Mod: Unknown

Texture: CigarSingle_d.dds

Texture: CigarSingle_g.dds

Texture: CigarSingle_n.dds


Mod: Unknown

Texture: Flag01_d.dds

Texture: Flag01_n.dds

Texture: Flag01_s.dds

Texture: PreWarFlag01_d.dds

Edited by direwolf34
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It's not just textures. For me the mod crash is completely random. Works fine one moment, the next I can no longer run the game with any mods that worked perfectly fine just a minute ago.


Though I'm thinking it might be something unrelated to the textures for me. Because I cannot even get to the main menu, it crashes before I get to select in the menu.

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So here's yet another bunch of textures that cause CTD.






Most likely also from GraFix overhaul mod. These will CTD when in crafting/junk menu. Once you get to it in the menu it will CTD. Keep in mind there is another set of files that can cause CTD in random places that are different from these:






Pretty sure the normal and speculars are fine, it's the diffuse files that cause the CTD.


Also, and very interestingly I might add, I ended up downloading another overhaul mod that had the Toaster (not prewar) retextured. I believe it was http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7003/? I put it in and didn't have any problems with it until the Beta patch. I am no expert, but I think that this file may have memory leak in it. The reason I am speculating that is because in my task manager I would be approaching nearing 6gbs of memory usage before CTD. After removing it I was down to 3gbs in the same location.


This leads me to believe that this particular file is not a fault of modders. I mean, two modders retexture the same file and both mods cause a CTD? It also coincides with what the GraFix overhaul mod author was saying when it was reported on his page (this originally was not found by me) and he could not find anything wrong with his retexture.


UPDATE: Confirmed it was that mod. Just read the comments posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see you notified people of the general issue with Pre-Apocalyptic Walls for sanctuary, but I am happy to announce that I tracked down the exact file from version that removes leaf litter:



Simply removing it ceased the majority of the crashes I had, I am not certain if there are more, but I tested several locations I crashed at after moving this file and it worked like a charm so far.

I haven't checked the version that doesn't remove the leaf litter, but I assume it might be the same.

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Thanks Danaman and Kelleth I'll update the list.

Also I can say that now with the beta being live I have had no new issues, it looks like whatever broke in the beta didn't repeat itself or grow worse with the beta now live, I am still stable.

I guess that was one good thing about those of us that did opt into the beta we got a head start dealing with this mess :smile:


For those new to reading this post, one quick dirty way to see if yours is a texture issue, Drag your entire texture folder to your desktop or somewhere out of the data folder.

If your previously unloadable save works, then you got a nasty texture hiding in there.


Location specific crashes can be tested the same way, just get close to the problem zone, save, move the texture file, load the save and see if you crash.

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Right, the op helped me solve my problem of this crashing to ctd. It was caused by Gore Overhaul mod, thanks for your help mate. Also if you want to change or i dont know, Gore Overhaul mod doesnt just crash on startup, but its when you load a new area, like walking to Good Neighbour etc

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