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XBox 360, mods and Linux...


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As we all know it's impossible for the 360 users to use user-made mods. . .


I got some ideas for 'em. . . If they are desperate enough to try 'em, they aren't easy.




So, you need:

A Xbox 360

Linux on .iso files - get em free online

A USB Keyboard

A USB Mouse

Oblivion - PC version

A empty CD-RW

Computer with a CD-burner


Step 1 - Get Linux on your XBox

Since this step is not so legal i can't tell you how to do here, use google or another search engine to find the information you need to install Linux on your XBox. Some request that you mix with your XBox's chip. Some not. This will make all warranty on your XBox to end and you can't run any other XBox games.


Step 2 - Install Oblivion

Buy the PC version of Oblivion. Install it. Read this tutorial about using Wine to get Oblivion running


Step 3 - Put over some mods

Use a USB drive / network or some other trick to put over your downloaded mods to your XBox. It's a good idea to unrar / unzip them before you do this. Place them in the (install directory)/Oblivion/data folder.


Step 4 - Using the Oblivion Datafile Selector to activate your mods

Run Oblivion (useing Wine), press the "Datafiles" button. Select what mods you want. Start, if you done everything right you can run Oblivion with mods on a Xbox! :-)




I haven't tried anyone of the ideas, do it on your own risk - Please note that I'm not responsible in your XBox blows when you can finaly play with OOO, this is just a stupit idea - follow it if you want.

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Step 1 - Get Linux on your XBox

Since this step is not so legal i can't tell you how to do here, use google or another search engine to find the information you need to install Linux on your XBox. Some request that you mix with your XBox's chip. Some not. This will make all warranty on your XBox to end and you can't run any other XBox games.

Cleanroom design is good.


Or, you could just build a computer.

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Yeah. . . But some poor peoples can't afford a PC capable of running Oblivion.
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